Chapter 6

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(February 13th, 1987, Gothenburg, Sweden)

        We were touring again, starting where we left off. We were backstage joking around about five minutes before the show. When we heard the fans chanting "Metallica! Metallica! Metallica!" the guys knew: the lights had gone down and it was time to go on stage.

        I walked next to Kirk as we made our way to the stage. As I stopped Kirk gave me a little peck on the lips before he went on stage. The show had started and, like always I stood at the line between where backstage ended and the stage began, watching the love of my life and waiting for when Lars wanted to switch off. My brother had apologized and figured out that Debbie just didn't like me.

       Halfway through Jason started playing The Call Of Ktulu and Lars ran over to me so I could finish off the set. The end of The Call Of Ktulu went straight into the beginning of For Whom The Bell Tolls and we finished off the set without the crowd knowing it was me on drums.

(July 9th, 1987, Los Angeles, California)

        The tour had just ended and everyone went straight to the studio to record Garage Days Re-Revisited. I was always in the studio with the guys whether for moral support, to run errands, or for something actually useful.

Today was errands.

        "Hey Y/N, could you go get us some coffee! We're all tired as shit!" I looked up from the book I was reading to see James staring at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Not gonna work big boy!" I said while laughing.

"Please!" Jason called.

        "Yes Jason I can go get you guys coffee, but I'm not your intern," I said, sticking my tongue out at James.

"Yeah right!" James said, faking annoyance. I started laughing.

        "Guys! Y/N is a person, and not only is she my girlfriend but she's also Lars' twin sister. I'm not sure what kind of authority being related to that little Danish princess has," Kirk joked. Lars, sitting behind his drums, slumped over and crossed his arms. With the gesture from Lars everyone in the room was dying from laughter. "If she's going I'm going with her," Kirk said while setting his guitar down.

        We got in my car and started toward the nearest coffee shop (no it was NOT Starbucks that didn't open in California until 1991). Me and Kirk finally had some time to geek out about horror without the guys acting weird.

        We got back and handed everyone their drinks. James, of course, got his last. Everyone drank their coffee and, with renewed energy, got back to writing and recording.


Author note: I'm probably gonna end this after chapter 10, I'm sorry but I've just lost inspiration to write more for this story. On a happier note I might, MIGHT, start a book for Cliff.

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