What's your secret.

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Rita groaned in frustration and slammed her laptop closed. She couldn't take that stupid cursor blinking at her anymore, it was mocking her.
She took a deep breath and opened her laptop back up, staring at the empty page on the screen. She was about to give up and just try again tomorrow when her cell phone starts ringing, pulling her attention away from her laptop.
She answers the phone and immediately hears Katie's excited voice.
"Rita! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. We need to hang out"
Rita laughs into the phone at the ridiculous whine in Katie's voice.
"Katie!" she mimics the younger girls whiny voice, "We just saw each other the other day"
"But that didn't count. We were just having a meeting with Carter about the new season, we need to hang out for real. Please, please, please!!!"
Rita can almost picture the pout on the other girls face right now as she begs her through the phone.
"Okay, okay. I'm a little busy right now, so why don't you head over in an hour or two and we'll figure out something to do."
"Yay! See you soon, bye Rita"
"Bye Katie"
Rita hung up the phone and turned back around to face her laptop.
She had been trying to write this story for the last hour, but it wasn't coming out the way she wanted it too.
She had really been hoping to get this done today, but she was having trouble starting it. And now she only had an hour left before Katie would be there.
She wasn't mad at Katie, she was actually incredibly happy to spend time with her, but she couldn't let Katie know what she was doing in her spare time.
Rita had recently stumbled onto a page full of Faking It fanfiction whilst surfing the internet one night. After reading a lot of the stories she had decided to try and write a little oneshot herself.
She was shocked at how easily the story had come to her, and she had gotten really great feedback about it.
That had been a few weeks ago. After that story had been posted she began to get a lot of prompts sent to her, and she had really enjoyed writing them.
She had a real connection with Amy, and it felt good to be able to control the story, and give Amy some happiness for once.
Last night she had gotten a really intriguing prompt sent to her anonymously. The prompt was for a story in which Amy and Karma meet for the first time, both girls are straight and Karma has a boyfriend (Liam) but they become best friends and hang out and eventually fall in love.
Rita really liked the idea, so she had decided this morning to write her first multi-chapter fic. She was really excited about writing it, but up until now she hadn't had a good idea on how to start it.
Suddenly an idea popped into Rita's head. The way that she and Katie had first met was the perfect beginning to her story.
She began typing furiously, she tweaked the story so that it would fit two girls in high school instead of two girls auditioning for a part on a TV show.
They meet each other in the waiting room outside of Principal Penelope's office, Amy is relatively new to the school, and Karma is just your average student. They're both nervous as to why they have been called to the
Principals office, and they start chatting.
Now that she had an idea the words were flowing easily, the chapter was basically writing itself.
She doesn't realize how long she has been typing on her laptop, but she suddenly hears her front door open.
"Rita! Where are you at?" she hears Katie yell out, and she momentarily panics.
She clicks save on her document, shuts her laptop, and calls back to Katie.
"I'm in my bedroom" She stands up from her desk and moves over to her bed, grabbing her remote she turns her TV on right as Katie walks into her room.
"Hey what's up Katie?" she says, hoping that she doesn't sound as flustered as she feels.
"Not much, I thought you were busy today. How is watching TV more important than hanging out with me?" Katie pouts, and Rita can't help but smile.
"It's not. I just finished what I needed to do, and you were already planning on coming over so I figured I'd watch TV until you got here." She covers.
Katie buys it and cracks a smile, "Okay. What do you want to do today?"
Katie hops on the bed next to Rita.
"I don't really feel like going out anywhere. How about we just hang here and watch a movie or something?"
"Sounds good to me, your bed is like super comfy." Katie smiles, and lays back against the pillows on Rita's bed, making herself comfortable.
Rita chuckles at Katie's actions, and then shifts so she is lying next to her. She picks up the remote and tries to find something for them to watch.
A few hours later Katie and Rita are stilling lying on Rita's bed watching movies.
Katie turns over so she is facing Rita, and pokes her on the side.
"Rita, I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat."
"Okay, what do you want?"
"I'm too comfy to move, lets just order a pizza or something."
"Alright, sounds good to me. Let me just grab my laptop, and we can order one online."
Rita detangles herself from Katie and walks over to her desk, she grabs her laptop and walks back over to the bed.
She sits down next to Katie and opens up the laptop.
"What kind of pizza do you want?" she asks, glancing over at Katie.
"Just pepperoni. What's that?" Katie asks, pointing to the word document that had popped up on Rita's screen.
Rita blushes, "It's nothing" she says while closing down the tab.
Katie shoots Rita a questioning look, noticing how flustered the other girl seemed to be all of a sudden. But she decides to drop it for now. She can always check it out later, she does know the password to Rita's laptop after all.
"Okay, whatever." Katie shrugs and Rita sighs relieved, as she orders the pizza.
She gets back up and places the laptop back on her desk, making sure it's locked, she turns back to Katie.
"The pizza will be here in about twenty minutes. I'm gonna go get some drinks from the kitchen, why don't you pick a new movie for us to watch."
"Sure sounds good" Katie smiles, and Rita walks out of the room.
As soon as Rita leaves Katie walks over to her laptop and opens it up. She types in the password and waits for it to load.
Once it does she clicks on Rita's documents, scrolling through she looks for anything that could have caused Rita's odd behavior.
She doesn't see any weird documents, although there are a bunch of old science papers from when Rita was at Duke, she really needs to get rid of those.
Katie is about to give up when she notices a file folder at the very bottom with no name. She clicks on it but it doesn't open, it is password protected. She types in the password that Rita uses for her laptop, but it doesn't work.
Now Katie is really intrigued, what kind of word document could Rita possibly need to password protect?
She hears Rita coming back with the drinks so she quickly shuts the laptop. Going back to the bed she sits down and waits for Rita.
When Rita gets back they start a new movie, but Katie can't focus on it at all. Rita doesn't usually keep secrets from her.
She thinks about just asking Rita what it is. Chances are it's nothing major, but something in the back of her mind stops her.
That look on Rita's face when Katie mentioned the document on her laptop, was a look of terror. No way is Rita just going to tell her what it is.
Katie will just have to find a way to get into that file.

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