The Trinity Force

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Author's Note: Leaving you a flashback of how Inasa encouraged Izuku to join the Shiketsu's big three or also known as "The Trinity Force"

Enjoy reading!

Time: 5:30 PM

Location: Field of Justice battlegrounds, Shiketsu High

Some time ago before the present...

The training slash battlegrounds is inspired by the most played online game in Western countries. It is a kind of 5v5 battle mode in Shiketsu High where it is commonly used as a situation simulator by hero-in-training and general education students of Shiketsu High. This is also where they mold and show their skills on how to create both tactical and strategic decisions in times of crisis which they may apply in real life/death scenarios once they will become pro-heroes.

At the map, the rift is mirrored diagonally and features three lanes into the enemy base. Each lane is defended by three heavily-armored and dangerous mid-range turrets and an inhibitor, while the nexus is protected by a pair of turrets.

For each lane they have a role: Top lanes can be portrayed by close-combat quirk users such as bruisers. Vanguards, or fighters; Mid lanes can be portrayed by mid to long-ranged quirk users such as battlemages or warlocks; Junglers do not have a lane but they can help on assassinating squishy-type quirk users and most junglers are, of course, expert in execution, helping their teammates in advancing the battle; Lastly, the bottom lane where two quirk users were placed on opposite lanes and can be portrayed by ranged quirk users and support/enchanter quirk users.

Both sides of the map boast expansive jungles containing powerful quirk buffs, and the central river is home to two boss monsters and a scuttle crab that provide team-wide benefits which will enhance their movement, speed, vigor, and ability power.

The battleground is currently in use, but it may end the battle soon as the leader of the blue team, Izuku Midoriya or also known as 'Nightblade' together with his squad who are now facing their opponents and at the same time destroying the enemy red's base, nearly conquering the nexus.

The serious green-haired wearing his now damaged and ripped hero suit due to the battle, faced his mid-lane opponent, the leader of the red team, Inasa Yoarashi, also known as 'Gale Force' who is now feeling a bit exhausted, yet still feeling the burning passion of his so far favorite opponent and rival in the whole academia.

Opposing sides find Inasa a person who doesn't want to quit, well, in most situations except when he faces one of the star students of Shiketsu aside from him and the other valuable students of the institution. And so, he activated his powerful move at the defiant blade by creating a localized change in pressure and temperature, Inasa created twin storms that grows in size with each second. He then commanded the violent winds to release the storm, attacking his rival.

"Taste the fury of my whirlwinds with a burning passion, 'Zuku! " Inasa taunted with a smirk.

Izuku taunted back with a glare.

"I understand your burning passion, I really do but...."

Izuku's eight levitating blades on both sides are no fucking joke. No matter how strong the powerful whirlwind he brings at him, the dance of lethal blades mostly does the work, slicing the wind by half, canceling the strong violent breeze in the area.

"Let us end this mockery, Gale Force—"

Izuku then rushed towards Inasa, with the latter wondering if he could pass through the eye of the storm which Inasa activated it as a shield, protecting him from projectiles.

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