A Dance of Bombs and Blades

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Summary: The duel is about to commence. Which of the students will win the battle training? Also, a flashback where Izuku confronted a villain from league of villains, asking him and his parents' former affiliation for an aid.

"They expect me to play fairly. We aren't even playing the same game."

Two years ago before the recent events...

A villain, wearing a schoolgirl outfit, but with a few gadgets and pieces such as piped black mask, the boxes of knives strapped around her thighs, and a blue utility belt around her waist with more little green boxes attached to it on either side. Now taken down as her knees bowed on the ground, bruises, cuts, and small lacerations are visible on parts of her body, and she coughed out a small amount of blood coming from her lips.

Despite the coming defeat, she shakily stood up and wiped the blood from his lips using her wrist and smirked in front of her opponent. At first, she belittled him for what he's capable of, but now the tables have turned.

She was dead wrong.

"S-So...it's just as they say. I-I never expected you to be easy....b-but you're even more than what I had in mind..."

"N-Nightblade, isn't it? Or should I say....Izuku Midoriya~"

The green-haired admitted he admired her spirit and will to fight despite being beaten up from the attacks he gave to her. At the same time annoyed, thinking that villain in front of him doesn't even know when to quit.

Tips of his eight array of blades pointed directly at her and answered in a calm manner.

"I do have an idea of who you are, assassin. Himiko Toga from the league, with the codename 'The Deceiver'. You're the one who hurt my classmate. Even before you got here to fight me, we've already known about your plans. Go back and tell them this is meaningless...like a lapdog you are..."

She let out a burst of laughter, covering her lips while holding her knife from her right hand.

"Eh? Meaningless? Hahaha—"

"Aren't you the one with the meaningless work around your so-called 'hero' community?"

She uncovered her lips and taunted with her sinister look.

"If you hadn't gotten in our way....we would've never even bothered with the likes of you!"

Not really satisfied upon the taunt he received from the villain. The plan of league asking for a confidential aid to Equilibrium, the secretive vigilante organization where her parents used to be part of; the group where they do not want to be the pawns in times of hero crisis or even where evil comes to spread terror. They only watch and act as they please. He is aware his parents left before he was even born but why the villain came to ask him, of all people.

He replied back, but in a louder tone.

"Your league is too reckless to involve the people for their agenda. Aren't you aware the monks and scholars working at the temple are not taking sides?"

"Your league is merciless and oppressive! I can't let you sacrifice the innocent for your cause!"

The blonde girl insanely laughed, thinking the reply was tad bit ridiculous.

"HAHAHAHA! Of course, you'll be the future pro-hero of this community....or maybe soon you'll turn away to be a vigilante instead? A rogue assassin?...just like your parents?"

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