𝐶𝑈𝐷𝐷𝐿𝐼𝑁𝐺 (edited)

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Hinata will probably hog the blanket, and will most definitely be the big spoon. He would kiss your forehead before going to sleep and would tell you about his wacky dream.

He would hug the pillow while you hugged him and secretly is a lil spoon. (Only you know this, and he would die if anyone knew) When he is a big spoon though, he would be super gentle when he touches you, yet hug you tightly. He would think about your guys' future and wake up later than you.

Tsukishima would fall asleep easily, but when he can't, he would watch dinosaur documentaries. He would take over the whole bed and occasionally cuddle you.

Ugh Yamaguchi would protecc. He would hug you a lot and is big spoon. He would tell you he loves you whenever you can't sleep and wakes up early to make you breakfast. (He fails horribly, but you encourage him)

Daichi would definitely be big spoon, hugging you with his big strong man arms ™️. He would be super protective and comb through your hair when he can't sleep.

Sugawara would be so sweet and so gentle. He gets a ton of nightmares so you comfort him a lot with kisses on his forehead and cheeks. When you do that, he gets really flustered and hugs you tightly, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.

Oikawa would kiss your neck, your face, you jawline, everything. He would play with your hair and play calming music when you both can't sleep. Sometimes when both of you really can't sleep, you'd do a tiring activity ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Your head would be lying on his chest while he would twirl your hair in his fingers, his hand on your back, doing a random pattern. He would just stare at the ceiling, thinking about life.

He usually falls asleep easily because of sleep deprivation. He would be the lil spoon cus mans too tired for that. When he can't sleep, he would play video games.

He would kiss your neck and chin, and hug you really tight. When you toss and turn, he'd wake up and say "kitten, are you awake?" In a really raspy voice.

He would usually give you space, but at times when he's down he hugs you really tightly. When he'd hug you, he would notice your temperature and say "Are you alright? You're very warm."

Bokuto is a big spoon, and would most definitely take over the whole bed. He would hug you tightly as you hug him back.

Word count: 448 words
So I edited this already! This was originally very bad, but hopefully it's better now. Thank you for reading and make sure to vote and comment!

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