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[ I'm starting to write with capitalization, because why not lmao]


You read the name calling your phone. It was Yuu Nishinoya, your boyfriend. You pondered on whether to answer, because you weren't feeling well.

You hesitantly answered the phone ringing in your hand, and heard Yuu's voice.

"(Y/n)! Why haven't you answered my calls? I'm so worried about you!" beamed Nishinoya's voice from the small speakers in your phone.

"O-oh. Sorry, I didn't feel too well these past few days." You muttered.

"Hm? You wanna videocall, so I can cheer you up?" Yuu said excitedly.

"Yeah, sure." You said.

You dropped the call and sat down on your couch. Almost immediately, a ringing sound came from your phone.

It was Yuu.

You answered the call, and saw Yuu.

He was smiling and wearing a yellow hoodie while sitting on his bed.

"Hey (Y/n)!"

"Hey. What's up?"

"The ceiling."

You rolled your eyes.

"That joke again, Yuu?" You chuckled.

"Well you asked what was up, I just answered you!" He teased.

You smiled.

"Whatever, dork."

"S-so anyways, (Y/n), why weren't you feeling well? Is something wrong?" He asked.

"I-I don't even know.. I just felt down in the dumps for some reason. I- I'm alright now, though."

Yuu sighed in relief.

"That's good. I was worried." He said.

"Maybe you just needed some of me~~" teased Yuu.

"Wooww.." you laughed.

Yuu pouted.

"My dear (y/n), you don't have to deny it~~~"


"Ahah! I knew it!" bragged Yuu.

"If only I could be there, to save my princess!" He exclaimed.

You laughed.

"Oh my God, you dork."

"Seriously though, I miss you (y/n).. I really wish I could be there..."

"Yeah, me too."

Noises were coming from the phone, and it sounded like Yuu was outside.

He was wearing a mask and it looked like the outside of your house.

"Y-Yuu, are you outside?"

"Open your door! We'll see!" Answered the excited voice coming from both the phone and your front door.

You stood up, and walked toward your door.

You twisted the doorknob and there stood Yuu, waiting outside with a bowl of soup.


You dropped your phone and hugged him.

"Yuu! What are you doing here? You aren't even supposed to be here!" You exclaimed.

"Well- I live a couple blocks away, so.." he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ah.. c-come in!" You said.

"Yeah, thanks." He said gratefully.

"I'm gonna spend the whole day with my baby." He says, smiling at you.

You blushed, and quickly said "Whatever, you dork.", as you let him inside the house.

BrUh I don't even-
Lmao the thing where you ask "what's up?" And he says "the ceiling." Is what my friends always do lmao.
Is this even doing well?? I feel like my writing's so bad uGh.
Um, anyway, enjoy, vote, and comment!!

Word count: 488 words (including A/N)


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