Chapter 44

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"Brother... you're you're still alive!" Yara gasped as she climbed up a circular stone staircase inside the walls of the red keep.

"Yara," Theon breathed heavily as he ran to his sister and pulled her into his arms. Aa they parted each other, Theon smiled at her, "word is the dragon Queen is no more. The men say they saw her on her dragon in the sky being attacked by another monster. The city still smokes, but I think... i think it's over,"

"Her army still fights for her name. The war isn't over yet, I'm going to head out and join the last fight. You remember what you have to do?" Arya, who had been silently watching the reunion from behind, asked Yara.

"It will be done."

As Theon, with a look of co fusion om his face watched Arya disappear back down the stairwell, he turned to his sister, "what has to be done?"

"The Kingdoms has finally found their true ruler, and she has promised the Iron Islands new hope and freedom if we remove one last enemy of the land,"

"Wait? Really? We shall have our independence? Who is this new ruler? And who is this enemy?"

Smiling, Yara took of her brothers shoulders and held him tightly, "Tallulah, and she has honoured us with the gift to kill the man we once called uncle."

Back on the streets of Kings Landing, the last few 100 unsullied soldiers continued to fight in memory of their Queen. As smoke raised through the sky and a heavy scent of blood and burnt life covered the city, once enemies, but now companions, the northern and southern men fought together against the last threat. No longer were they forced to choose a side neither of them truly understood, no longer would they have to fear future battle and bloodshed. The new future, one of peace, was so close they could taste it, and so it forced on their tired bodies, their exhausted mind.

Just outside the walls, Tallulah was stood smiling at the thing she had once damned a monster. This fire breathing king of the skies had saved her life and that of many others in the  Kingdom.

"You have helped us all. Saved this city and this war. You cannot stay here though, despite everything, the people will still fear you," she smiled softly as she patted the large scales of his neck and he left out a huffing sound from his nose.

"You are the thing of legends. Of dreams and nightmares. You were never ment to be ruled by men, used as a tool in there pointless shows of power and rule. No, I will not let you live under the same rule as your ancestors. You must follow in your own path. I free from this world of men, I beg you to leave these kingdoms, travel far and find your true home. One where you can rule yourself and follow no order."

As though the dragon understood her every word, he suddenly opened up his large wings and soared straight up towards the sky. Tallulah was almost knocked over by the gust of wind he had caused, but smiled as he disappeared into the distant sky above.

Now I shall find my peace. Find my place. Find my Sandor.

With the sudden thought of one who meant the most to her, Tallulah made her way back to the city. As she reached inside the walls of the city, the fighting had seemed to of finished, with several Unsullied men raising their hands in defeat.

"Your grace!" One of the northern men suddenly announced as she passed him hurding a group of the Unsullied together.

"What?" She scoffed.

"Sorry, your grace, I only meant to ask for your order. The enemy has been defeated and those who are left have surrendered. What do you want us to do with them?"

It took Tallulah another moment to realise that the scruffy, large solider was truly referring to her as his grace. With puzzlement still across her face, she stepped over to him and looked at the enemies left alive.

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