Oh wait there's no alcohol, I forgot we're at a fucking diner

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*A few days later*

Third person POV

"No fucking way! Absolutely not!!" Alaric raised his voice at Stefan

"Come on Ric! It's killing him" Stefan pleads. After Elena told Stefan about Jeremy's dampened mood about not being invited to Ric's wedding, he's been trying to get Alaric to invite Jeremy.

"I don't care honestly, the three of you were barely invited" Ric declared

"Woah" Damon commented
"Wow, feeling the love Ric" Nicole said at the same time

"I get it I really do. It's just... you know what? Jeremy considers you to be one of his best friends, even family" Stefan tries one more time

"I consider Jeremy to be insane" Ric comebacks

"Geez Ric, come on that's a little harsh" Nicole defends

"Ric, throw him a bone! Stefan already said he'll pay for everything he eats and breaks" Damon tries to reason

"Also we gotta plan your bachelorette party, little missy here is attending too" Damon nudges Nicole

"What? Why do I have to come again?" Nicole questions

"It just won't be the same without you there, plus don't act like you don't want to come after the last time" Damon jokes

"Actually, I'm glad you brought that up. Because this is the bachelorette party" Ric admits

All of them looked at each other confused, Damon however was starting to rage

"What are you talking about?"
"Is this some joke Ric?"

"Yeah! It's my bachelor brunch. Go crazy. Get some chocolate chip pancakes. Get a lap dance from a waitress. Or maybe Nicole can just give Damon a lap dance" Ric says.

None of them knew about Damon and Nicole's "break". Which made it a little awkward for Nicole to even be there

"That's bullshit! You can't just skip out on a bachelorette party Ric!" Damon shouted

"Do you see that?" Ric points at his glass
"That's orange juice, with a napkin on top. Do you know why? So nobody roofies me!"

"Well I refuse to eat fucking cantaloupe at a bachelorette party!" Damon drops his fork angrily, shaking his head

"Come on Ric, don't you think you're overreacting a little bit?" Nicole questions. She was kind of glad that Ric didn't want one, because it'd give her a good excuse to avoid Damon. Although another part of her wishes he would have one, desperately wanting to hang out with her friends and let loose again.

"No I don't. I'm still a little traumatised from Vegas. And that's saying something considering I slay vampires as a part time. I am moments away from falling apart, and do you know what the glue is? Lauren! And I'm not doing anything to screw that up" Ric declares

"Come on Ric, it's not like you were kidnapped or anything!" Nicole backfires

"Oh please! You wouldn't even be with Lauren if it wasn't for us" Damon motions

"Oh! This will be good" Ric sarcastically smiles at Damon

"Ric think about it. You ended up ditching Hayley and two years later, you meet your true soulmate. You take Vegas out of that equation, you would have married a cunt!" Damon yells, which causes some people to turn over at their table

"Oh it's okay! No! No! I'm allowed to say it. It's a bachelor party, drink up everybody! Oh wait, there's no alcohol I forgot! We're at a fucking diner!" Damon sarcastically yells at everyone

"Well it's my decision and it's final. So how about a toast" Ric lifts his orange juice

"This sucks I'm gonna leave now" Damon gets up and walks out of the diner

"Are you gonna go after him?" Stefan questions Nicole

"Yeah.. I need to tell you guys something. Damon and I are on a break" Nicole confesses

"Wait what?"
"What happened?"

"We're just fighting a lot okay! And I thought it'd be best if we got a little break from each other" Nicole explains

"Oh man what did Damon do?" Stefan asks

"Doesn't matter. We're still friends.. I think" Nicole looks down at her lap

"Hey. It'll be alright I'm sure you guys will get through this" Ric reaches over and grabs Nicole's hand

"Yeah thanks Ric" Nicole smiles at him

"Anyway, Ric at least think about Jeremy. He needs this" Stefan pleads

"I'll think about it alright" Ric sighs

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