The monkey is a pervert

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Nicole's POV
(In a bus)

"Okay, look can we just go over this one more time? You got the beer from..?" Ric clarifies with us again

"Ric for the last time the hotel bar. They gave Nicole and I a sealed case" Damon restlessly repeats

"Right. But who gave it to you?" Ric asks us
"The bartender!" I butt in, annoyed at Ric asking us the same shit over and over again.
I get that he's paranoid about all this, hell we all are but it's getting fucking annoying when he repeats the same questions over and over again!

"Right.. okay and then you brought 'em out and I opened 'em" Ric continues
"Yeah, and Stefan had one and he was fine, so it's not the beer!" Damon cuts him off

"So, what the hell happened?" Ric looks at all of us
"I have no idea man" I answered peeking at Jeremy, he's putting an empty water bottle underneath the blanket we put on the old monk

"Hey guys. Check it out, he's got a Chinese boner" Jeremy chuckles
"Jer, come on cut it out" Ric lectures him

The monkey then hops on the old man's lap making Jeremy cackle out loud, then the monkey starts sucking on the water bottle through the blanket making it look like he's giving the old man a blow job

"The monkey is a pervert" Jer loudly cackles, making all of us laugh a little with him
"Come on, that is so wrong" Alaric starts chuckling along with us

"Hey don't stop monkey, keep doing it" Jeremy laughs out loud
At this point, everyone in the bus is laughing along with us, while I lean my head on Damon's shoulder giggling with him

"When a monkey nibbles on a penis. It's funny in any language" Jeremy snickers, even the old monk is smiling

(At the Ching Mei Monastery)

"Thanks man" Damon leans over the bus driver's window and pays him money
"We good?" Ric confirms
"Bye Shannon! Bye Lil Wayne!" Jer waves to the people on the bus

We all enter the monastery and it is beautiful inside! Flowers everywhere, ponds in between, peaceful music playing out loud. Damn this is really gorgeous
"Wow" Damon comments looking around
"So beautiful" Ric and I both said at the same time

"What is this a P.F Chang's?" Jer sarcastically inputs
We walked towards an open building where we spot a bunch of monks inside
"Ah, they're meditating. Such peaceful people" Ric observes

"Yeah" Damon answers
"KNOCK, KNOCK! HELLO?!" Jeremy screams causing all the monks to turn around and glare at us
"Jer! Jeremy! Show some respect" Damon tries to shush Jer
"Don't get up guys" Ric ushered everyone to sit down

"We brought one of your guys back. He's really funny. He's really nice and cool" Jeremy says to the monk that's heading towards us with a big stick looking angry. Oh shit!

I started looking around and I see a sign on the side that said "no talking", I tried to get Damon's attention to get him to shut up but he didn't notice me
"Hello there!" Ric cheerfully greets the monk
"Hi, how you doing? Uh, are you the one in charge?" Damon asks him nicely

The monk stopped in front of Damon and suddenly he hits him on the face with the stick
"Oh FU-" Damon throws his head back covering his face - screaming in his hands, damn it why doesn't he ever pay attention!

I grabbed his back and moved him to the side trying to quiet him down, meanwhile I looked back and see the monk hit Jeremy and Alaric for trying to defend Damon
"HEY!" Jeremy loudly shrieks
The monk then whacked him on the leg

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