We got married?!

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Nicole's POV

"Do you know where our friend is?! Teddy! He's missing" Alaric's aggressively asking the old guy

"Ric, forget it the guy's worthless" Damon nonchalantly adds

"So, who's your new best friend?" I sat baffled next to him, watching the monkey sit and lean casually on Damon's shoulders

"We're not best friends. He just knows to hang with the coolest one out of all of you" Damon chuckles shaking his head
"The monkey gets it" Jeremy says agreeing with Damon

"He knows something! He's wearing Teddy's sweatshirt." Ric exclaims pacing in front of us
"What if he just doesn't understand? I-I'll act it out!" Ric stutters waving his arms around

"Yeah! Like charades!" I sarcastically cheered him on
"Exactly" Ric points at me, then grabs Teddy's ID and stands in front of the old man
Oh boy..

"Two words" Ric holds up two fingers
"Is it a movie?" Jeremy questions him, though I'm not sure he's being sarcastic about it

"This is not for you Jeremy" Ric turns to him, not in a playful mood

"America teenager... in Asia"
"Karate kid with Jaden Smith" Both Jeremy and I guessed at the same time, we both looked at each other and started laughing

"It's easy, cause you were talking through it" Jeremy adds
Alaric gave up and walked back to his spot

"Ric it's a waste of time, just leave this fuckin guy here" Damon gestures to the old man irritatingly

"Oh, here's something. There are 500,000 monks living in Thailand. It is not uncommon for some monks to take a vow of silence at the age of 8" Jeremy reads off his cue cards

"There ya go" Damon lifts his hand up cooly
"Is there anything else in that envelope?" I question Damon

"Nah, it's empty" Damon answers
"Woah, hang on. A bar pass from the White Lion bar, Bangkok?" Ric reads out a card he found hidden in Teddy's wallet

"Well it's worth a shot" I shrugged, grabbing it out of Ric's hands looking at the card for an address

*15 min later*

"Jesus Christ. Is this the right street?" Damon coughs, looking around the wrecked and messy street we were currently passing through

"That's what it says" I answer him reading off the card
"What the fuck happened here?" I asked, I hope to God we didn't have anything to do with this mess

"Woah woah woah woah woah" Ric stops us from walking any further and points to a wrecked building on our left
"This is the white lion!" Ric points at a sign

"The fuck happened here?" Damon examines the demolished bar
"Holy shit" Ric baffles inspecting the building

"Oi!" We all turn around, and this man starts yelling at us in Thai. He started chasing us away joined by others behind him
"Oh, okay. Guys let's just keep walking" I calmly ushered everyone forward

Suddenly, a lady threw a slipper at Ric, hitting him in the face
"All right. It's okay" Damon carefully leads Ric forward and away from the lady

"What the fuck is going on here?" Ric whispers to us, cautiously looking back at the crowd

"Woah woah woah woah. Guys check it out" Jeremy stops us and points to a tattoo shop
"Holy shit! Ric, look!" I point at a photo of Ric's face tattoo at the front of the shop

The Vampire Diaries Hangover II - D. Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now