It's only a matter of time before we both give in

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*fast forward to the airport*

Nicole's POV

We've all arrived at the airport together, I gaze towards Damon and he's looking up at the schedules. I know he hates flying, he finds it uncomfortable. We've already booked our seats next to each other on the plane and booked a room for us on the island, before we decided to take a break.
So I have no idea what's going to happen, but I guess I'll just go with the flow.

"Hey there he is!" Ric exclaims, pointing at an asian guy

"Ric! Hi how are you?" The asian guy asks, we've all gathered around them, just watching the scene take place

"Yeah I've been good, I'm so glad to see you here" Ric says giving him a hug

"Who's this guy Ric?" Jer asks pointing at the asian guy, he sounded a little jealous

"This is Teddy, Lauren's little brother. Goes to Stanford, premed. And these are my best pals, Damon, Nicole, Stefan and Jeremy" Ric says introducing each one of us

"Hi Teddy, nice to meet you" I said, smiling at the young man
"Hey man"
"What's up?" Stefan and Damon greeted shaking his hand

"Woah wait Stanford? How old are you?" I question. He looks a little young to be starting college

"Uh.." Teddy starts but Ric cuts him off
"He's 17, kind of a genius"

"Actually, I'm 16 and I'm not a genius" Teddy humbly answers back

"Hey you're around the same age as our friend Jeremy here" Stefan pats Jer on the back. Jeremy just stares at him and puts his headphones on, turning on his music, ignoring him.

Well that made things awkward.

"You must be real smart then if you got in Stanford this early" I tried to break off the silence

"My dad just made me take the entrance exams early" Teddy glances at all of us. This kid seems nice

"Because you're a genius" Ric points out, making Teddy smile shaking his head

"So, what are you a doctor?" Jeremy asks accusingly while he puts his headphones on his neck

"No not yet, I'm premed" Teddy answers Jer

"Ever heard of that guy Doogie Howser?" Jer asks Teddy.

What is he doing?

"Yeah" Teddy awkwardly chuckles

"Well, he turned out to be a gay" Jer points out, starring Teddy down

"Jeremy" Stefan warns him

"It's true, I read it in Teen people" Jeremy answers without taking his eyes off Teddy

"Right.. okay I'm gonna go grab a book or something for the plane. Do you guys want anything?" Teddy asks looking at us, desperately wanting to escape Jeremy

"No thanks"
"I'm good"
"Yeah I'm all good too" Damon, Stefan and I answer back

"I would actually love a smart water" Alaric points out to Teddy

"Cool" Teddy nods at us and walks past us
"Thanks man" Ric pats his back as he walks past him

"What's the matter with you?" Ric turns to Jer
"Yeah Jer take it easy" Damon backs up Ric

"Well I'm a little confused, is he here just to see us off or what? How does this work?" Jeremy looks at all of us

"How does what work?" I ask Jeremy

"Is that person coming to the wedding?" Jeremy turns to me pointing towards the direction Teddy went off

"Yes Jeremy. My bride's little brother is coming to the wedding" Ric answers in an annoyed tone
"Is that okay with you?" Ric sarcastically asks

"Oh. It's just the first time I've heard of it. You could have paged me." Jer answers putting his big sunglasses on his face, walking away

"Don't overreact. It's gonna be fine" Stefan sighs. We all then decided to walk to our terminal and wait for our flight

Meanwhile, Damon sat down and placed his bag two seats down to his right, which was where I was going to sit. There were no other seats available except the one next to him.
"Damon can you move your bag next to you?" I ask him
"Hmm no I don't think I want to" Damon answers, continuing the magazine he was reading

"I don't have time to argue" I sigh and plopped down next to him, grabbing my book and started reading

"You just can't resist me can you?" Damon smirks still reading his magazine

"Damon don't start. Just for the sake of everyone here, leave me alone, I still have to sit next to you on the plane without trying to snap your neck" I grimaced

"Ouch.. why are you so cranky lately" Damon asks me, putting all his attention on me now

"Maybe it's the fact that you're not trying to distance yourself from me. We're on a break, and you're acting like everything's back to the way it was" I answered

"I'm just trying to be friendly Nicole, just because we're not together anymore. Doesn't mean we can't be friends" Damon answers back

"I understand that. And I do want to be friends, just don't overstep the boundaries"

"Meaning what exactly?" Damon smirks, he knows exactly what I'm talking about!

"It means you need to stop trying to get in my pants every five minutes Damon!" I backfired

"Name one time I've tried to sleep with you ever since we broke up" Damon challenges with a smirk

"Two nights ago at the boarding house, when I was bending down to get the pie I made in the oven you-" I started to elaborate but he cut me off

"You were bending down wearing your gym shorts, how the hell was I suppose to resist?" Damon shrugs exaggeratedly

"Or how about on the way here, you were clearly trying to initiate phone sex, I nearly crashed my car" I stared him down

"I was bored and horny, plus I wanted to make Ric uncomfortable in the car" Damon snickers

"Ugh" I roll my eyes and turned my attention back to my book. All of a sudden, Damon leans in closer to me and whispers in my ear
"Don't act like you're not all hot and bothered right now, it's only a matter of time before we both give in to each other, and when we do I'm not holding back"

I turned to him ready to cuss him out, when the announcement to board our flight started

"Oops saved by the bell" Damon winks at me, picks up his bag and walks towards the line

This is going to be harder than I thought..

The Vampire Diaries Hangover II - D. Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now