Marshmallows? Good call

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*after the dinner*
(at the lobby, near the elevators)

Ric's POV

"Well, that was exactly as painful as I expected it to be" I turn towards my future wife, grabbing both of her hands

"Sorry" she chuckles and wraps her arms around my neck, giving me a kiss

Damon's POV

"Oh, rice pudding! What are you doing?" I jokingly yell towards Ric, walking along with Nicole, she swats my arm playfully

"Very funny Damon" Ric laughs sarcastically
"Be nice Damon, he's extra sensitive tonight" Lauren teases

"Get over it, he's your father in law. He's supposed to hate you"
"Come have a drink with us" I invite Ric

"Who's us?" Ric questions

"It'll be me, Stefan, Jeremy, this fine piece of ass and you" I placed my arms around Nicole, she scoffs and steps away from me

"You know I'm really exhausted. We're just going to go upstairs and crash" Ric answers back looking at Lauren

"Come on I just spoke with the manager. He's gonna let us have a bonfire on the beach" I try to persuade Ric.

Okay so, I tried to have a civil conversation with the manager, but he wouldn't let us on the beach. So I had to compel him.

"That sounds fun" Lauren turns to Ric
"Nah I'm good" Ric smiles tiredly at me

"Ric, one drink with your friends. They came all this way" Lauren tries reasoning with him.
I'm liking Lauren more and more every day.

"I just wanna hang out with you" Ric gazed down at Lauren

"Oh come on. Just go...and do me a favour, take Teddy with you. He never gets to have any fun" Lauren pleads, looking over at Teddy. He's sitting down on the couches, typing away on his laptop with earphones in

"That is a great idea. Let's bring Teddy" Nicole smiles encouragingly towards Lauren and Ric

"Alright. One drink" Ric finally agrees

"See you later, have fun" Lauren pecks Ric's cheek and goes in the elevator

"I'll see you in twenty minutes" Ric waves at Lauren before the door closed

"God you're so whipped" Nicole chuckles shaking her head

" Ha Ha, let's just go" Ric sarcastically laughs in Nicole's face

(scene changes to the beach)

*Stefan, Jeremy, Teddy and Alaric are all gathered around the bonfire*

Ric's POV

"My uncle Roger said that he once saw an albino polar bear" Jeremy shares with all of us

"Really? Polar bears are white. How would he know if it's an albino?" I question Jer

"Well this one was black" Jeremy answers back
"Do you think maybe it was just a black bear?" I questioned him

Nicole's POV

Damon and I are headed towards the beach, he asked me to help him with the beers. I'm pretty sure, he could easily manage it, but whatever I'm just glad we've been getting along so well these past couple of days.

"So why did you really wanted us to have a break?" Damon questions me

"I told you, we've been arguing a lot lately and sometimes it can get a little hectic, don't you agree?" I turn towards him

"Well yeah but that's what makes the make-up sex so hot" Damon teases
I roll my eyes and start to walk faster
"Alright fine, Nicole slow down. I'll be serious"
I walk beside him again, waiting for him to answer me
"Looking back at it now, we did argue a lot. But isn't that what couples do? They fight and make up" Damon reasons with me

"Well yes but, I don't think you get it. It's exhausting for me sometimes, I want to be able to talk to somebody and not worry that you're going to end up killing them"
"Oh, so it's still about that blonde guy at the grill huh?" Damon accuses me

"What? No! Damon that is not what I'm trying to get at. You can be very controlling and you get jealous easily, and I just don't vibe with that. Don't you trust me?" I ask him. He stops walking and looks over at me

"Nicole of course I trust you. You are the only person I fully trust. I just can't help but think that one day you're going to end up finding someone better than me" Damon confesses
I never knew he had this much insecurity over himself

"Damon, I will never find anyone else. You want to know why? You've completely ruined everyone else for me. No one can compare to you. I'm always gonna be in your life, whether you like it or not" I smile towards him, this causes him to chuckle and actually smile back at me. Not smirk, smile.

He walks ahead, me following behind him
"And just so you know, the guy I was talking to at mystic grill. He's gay" I walk ahead towards the bonfire, but not before hearing Damon chuckle under his breath

"Okay here we go" Damon and I hand out beer towards everyone

"Alright" Ric says, accepting the beer I gave him
"American beer, sealed bottles" Damon ensures Ric

"Thank you for that" Ric nods over at us

"Um, I'm not really old enough to drink" Teddy starts, but Damon ignores him and places the bottle in his hands anyway

"Yeah it's illegal" Jeremy argues
"Jer, you're having one too" I defend Teddy, pointing at the bottle in his hands

"Yeah but Stefan is my guardian and he's allowing me to drink this. Teddy here on the other hand has no guardian around to watch over him" Jeremy replies back

"It's fine Teddy, have a little fun" Ric encourages Teddy, handing him a bottle opener

"Careful" Jeremy warns Damon before he could sit down on the sand
"What?" Damon stops midway and stands up again, he grabs the thing underneath him
"What's this? Roastin' marshmallows? Nice touch" Damon looks over at Stefan

"That was Jeremy's idea" Stefan points towards Jeremy, taking a sip of his beer
"Ah, good thinking Jeremy" I praise Jer

"You know, I gotta hand it to you Ric. This place is paradise" Damon starts
"Not bad right?" Ric lifts his arms, motioning to our surrounding

"And I can't believe I'm saying this but, I'm so happy for you, I mean Lauren is an angel" Damon compliments
"Yeah she's really amazing" Stefan backs up Damon

"Thank you guys, yes she is amazing" Ric smiles, sipping happily on his beer

"Solid rack on her too, you know for an asian. No offence Teddy" Damon comments. Nope I'm not jealous, lmao stop lying to yourself of course you're jealous! Damon's talking about another girl's boobs!
I look down at mine and wonder if my boobs were okay.
I look back up and notice Damon was staring at me with a smirk, I then realised, he purposely commented on Lauren's boobs to see how I would react. Oh that smug bastard!

"That's okay" Teddy awkwardly laughs
"That is just wildly inappropriate, and yet, I'm really glad you're here. All of you guys" Ric looks around all of us
"Even you Jeremy, it means a lot that you made the trip. Thank you" he smiles over at Jeremy

"Wouldn't miss it buddy" Stefan replies
"Great. Now can we have a toast?" Damon asks Ric
"Mhm" Ric nods
"Alright, stand up guys, come on" Damon says standing up
"Come over here Nicole" Damon looks over at me, I shake my head and headed over to stand next to him

"To Lauren and Ric. You did it buddy" Damon lifts his bottle
"You sure did" Stefan agrees

"Cheers!" We all raised our bottles

The Vampire Diaries Hangover II - D. Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now