I have such an erection right now!

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Nicole's POV

(at the Lebua Hotel)

"What about England Damon? Will we still be friends there?" Jeremy innocently asks Damon

"Jer, I already told you. It was in the heat of the moment, okay? We're still friends all over the world" Damon replies

"Even Great Britain?"
"Yeah, mhmm"

"And you Nicole?" Jeremy turns to me
"Yeah sure we're still friends" I nonchalantly reply, focusing on our surrounding more. We're walking through the lobby of the hotel, searching for anyone that might recognise us

"Well what about you Ric?"
"We'll see" he bluntly replies

A man in a suit, approaches us
"Please follow me"
Jeremy didn't hesitate and followed him immediately

"All right.." I trailed off, walking next to Damon, grabbing his hand

He lead us upstairs, towards the restaurant and stops at a table where a bald headed man in a suit is attacking his noodles like there's no tomorrow.

"Here you go" the man presents us
"Well! It's about time. Sit down" we all stood still, not sure whether to trust the man

"Come on, sit, sit, sit" he insisted and eventually we all gave in

"Wow. You guys look like shit" the bald man comments
"Thanks" I sarcastically replied, Damon nudged my leg gently, silently scolding me

"Um.. do we know you?" Damon begins but the man seems to be starring at Jeremy
"Hey.. take of your fucking hat. You're in a restaurant for Christ sakes, come on" the man scolds Jeremy, he follows and removes his sunglasses too

"Okay listen, um we have no clue what's going on here" Damon initiates
"You know, they sell a plum whisky here. It's fucking unreal" he takes a pause and looks at each of us
"Seriously, it will absolutely fuck you up" the man laughs

"Oh I'm sorry, you guys already got fucked up, didn't ya?" He laughs a little more
"Uh listen, I'm a little confused how did you-" Damon tries to start again but is immediately cut off by the bald man again

"Yeah, you know what? I'm a little fucking confused. Where's Chow?" He starts to raise his voice
"where is chow?! With the fucking account code! And the fucking password!" He bangs the table and yells loudly, gathering everyone's attention in the restaurant

Jeremy looks terrified, as he silently pleads us to do something
"We don't know anything about any codes. We're just trying to find our friend." Ric calmly explains to him

"Teddy." He raises his brows
"Yes!" We all exclaim
"Teddy! Have you seen him?" Damon asks

"Hm, come here" he snaps his fingers and one of his guards hands him an envelope

"Let's see. Oh!" He opens it and hands a bunch of photos to us. It's pictures of us with Teddy

"Holy shit. It's from last night" I comment, examining every photo

"Who are you?" Damon questions
"I'm a businessman, and I have invested a large chunk of capital in your friend Chow. And in return, he was supposed to transfer our profits electronically about..." he paused for dramatic effect, checking his watch
"Five fucking minutes ago"

The Vampire Diaries Hangover II - D. Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now