10 Things Emmett Cullen Is NOT Allowed to Do 6

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Hey I know its been a while but under request Im going to start uploading more of these hope you enjoy :)

1.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to dress up as an elf and re-name himself Alice

2.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to paint the boys bathroom pink

3.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to enroll Bella in dance class.....

4.To see how many times she'll fall

5.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to take the 'Who Are You?' Twilight quiz and complian when he gets Alice

6.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to beg Rosalie to walk around the house in lingerie

7.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to Bella vampires hunt naked

8.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to make up a list of ways to get Bella kicked out of Target

9.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to call Carslise 'Gramps'


"Hmmmm do you suppose that this will keep Emmett out of trouble?" I asked

"Bella you've been around for 3 years you know that Emmett can find loopholes in anything we throw at him." Carslise said boosting me up to tape the list.

"Yes I suppose." I said prusing my lips.

"Nessie!" Emmett called to.

Oh boy this ought to be interesting.

"Over here Uncle Em!" She said from the kitchen

"I FINALLY got your Christmas prezzie nicey poo!" Emmett said pushing a huge box.

"Thanks" she said still rumaging in the fridge

I  unwrapped it for her to find a young man looking at me.

Nessie walked in the room just then.

"OH MY GOD NICK JONAS!!!!!!!! HOW DID YOU GET HERE!!!!!?????" Nessie screamed runnning in circles around the box.

Carslise grabbed the marker and wrote

10.Emmett Cullen is not allowed to steal Nick Jonas and give him to Nessie

10 Things Emmett Cullen Isn't Allowed to DoWhere stories live. Discover now