To be continued

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"welcome to our faculty nong " he said, and the song got to the last phrase and the seniors from 2nd ,3rd and 4th year gather in front of us. The person dancing with me eventually move away.
"You look perfect tonight...... "
As soon as the song ends, the rest of the seniors inroduce themselves . The senior  dancing with me take one step forward and introduce himself " sawadee khrap my dear juniors I'm p'Inc and I'm in the responsibility to take care and pass our good wishes from all our seniors and teachers. I hope all of u will soon feel comfortable in the faculty and make it comfortable for others too. I won't order to do pushups or beat u juniors up and non of the seniors will so no need to be scared of us , we r here to help you all to bond with each other and make the university your home. Thats all i have to say, feel free to talk with any of us.
As the speech ends a senior came in not wearing the uniform , "sawadee khrap everyone" he said and all the seniors look at him in surprise.
"this is p'Won juniors, pls pay respect " p'Inc said.
"Sawadee kha /khrap " all the people present in the room waii him.
"ok everyone from tomorrow onwards i hope u all will free some time to come here and spend some time with your friends and seniors and obey our orders , see you all. " Then some of the seniors grab p'won and move out of the room. Some of the seniors came to talk to us. While Ning was pulled away by some seniors,  i was also called by some seniors. P'cherry,  p'Neen and two other seniors take me to a near by bench and p'neen introduce the other seniors 
"He is Tee kha he's in third year with me, Inc and some of the seniors u saw today, this is N'Cherry u already know her name, she is in second year  and lil sis of Inc and this is our beloved p'fom he's in fourth year and the boyfriend of someone present here..ahmmmmm teeeeeeee " p'tee grab a book and slap that on p'neen's head.
"I'm Angel kha, I'm a first year and thanks for welcoming me "
"no problem nong "
"nong u have a class now,  would u need us to walk u there? " p'cherry ask me
" sure p "

After my class, Ning went to sign up for a club while i decide to go to the library but before that i want to grab some coffee.
Where r u nong?
                 Going to buy some coffee and                 then going to the library .

                   P'neen calling...........
"Hello p "
"Nong where r u ja? "
"near the lab "
" My friend just brought coffee take it from him no,  wait there. "
"umm p no need.. "
Then i saw p'Tee and p'Inc walking towards me . P'Inc handover me the coffee and said" nong i have one sip na if u don't mind u can have it or it's ok if u wanna buy a new one"
"no problem p thanks a lot na"i take the coffee and left for the library.

Its been quite a while I'm here and honestly i didn't realize the time if I'm reading. I look at my phone and saw it's already late. I pick up the handouts and climb downstairs, till then i didn't realize it was raining, I somehow half running half walking reach the shade footwalk. Walking down the building and lake I saw a shadow near the bank, i was shooked......
  Author's note
What did she saw? Hello everyone still i didn't have much readers but I'm writing this cuz i love writing.  Im pouring my heart into this story.  Thanks for reading
Lots of love

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