The tragic end ( PT.1/2)

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I was on my way home, from a longs day of work. I knew that i was off for the next few days, and i had planned a trip to a near by mountian, in the hopes that my girlfriend would join me.
The loud sounds of the engine fill my head as i make my way into the driveway. I turns off the car, to be followed by the sigh of my hot breath.
i make my way outside of the car, closing the freshly painted door, but stopped by the sound of a faint " hey babe". Quickly i turn around to meet arms wrapping around my slender waist. I paused kind of stunned when I see a, small pale girl, with brown wavy hair and bright blue eyes, stareing up at me.Her smile can be seen, and her blue eyes stareing straight at me.
"Hey angella what u doing out here" I said kinda heasitent.
"Heh ive been waiting for u, what took u so long?" She says letting go of me and starts backing up.
" My work had me stay late, somthing about a eclectical error, I fixed it but it took me a bit longer then i expected". I say as we both make our way to the front entrance, leading into a small but comfortable living room.
"Oh, next time tell someone else to do it" she tells me as she takes my jacket off, then hangs it up on the small rack, just along the white wall.
" You know everyone else wont do anything about it, besides it wasnt to hard and it probably wont happen again." I say.
I start to smell something, somthing good, somthing freshly made. I walk around the little hallway with pictures of me and her sprung along the walls. I walk into the small kitchen to find what had smelled so good. At the small wooden dineing room table, theres two white plates, on the plates theres mashed potatos, pork chops, and some mixed veggies. I can feel myself drooling when I feel a slight tug on my shirt, it was my girlfriend.
" i made us food, it might be a bit cold because u showed up later then expected" she said as she sits down on the brown wooden chair, and starts eating.
" I love u baby, u do so much for me, i wish i could do the same." I say joining her to the table.
" You being u is enough for me, plus I love cooking."she says.
I sit there for a few seconds feeling there was somthing i had forgotten, then i remember the hikeing trip i had planned. This was the time to tell her about it.
You see theres a little more to this hiking trip. Im planning to marry her on the top of the mountain, i heard that the view was extraordinary.
I stand up, with my now emtpy plate, and put it in the empty sink. I run my lines over and over in my head, why am i so nervous, its just a a simple question.
" hey angella...i have a question". I say with a slight stutter.
" sure, what is it babe?" She tells me with a slight concern in her voice.
" Well.. I had planned for us to go hiking tommorow, and i wanted to know if u wanted to go". I said almost feeling a nervous sweat come down my forehead.
" ofcourse i will, why wouldn't I it sounds like a ton of fun". She said as she places her plate into the sink, and starts to wash the dishes
I walk behind her, wrapping my hands around her waist, feeling a slight shiver in her movements. I move hee hair out of the way, and kiss her neck lightly.
" I love u". I said still clinging on to her.
She finishes up the dishes, and turns around. Next thing i feel is a sweet soft pare of lips on mine. She had kissed me and i felt myself embracing it back, this continues for what seemed like forever.
She pushes away, and i groan in sadness, looking at her wanting to continue.

       She pushes away, and i groan in sadness, looking at her wanting to continue

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" We need to get some sleep if we're going to be hiking tommorow." She says.
I sigh in acceptance and kiss her one more time before heading to our bedroom.

To be continued.

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