The Quick Excape p2/2

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We both run, running passed massive hallways, of old and red walls. Its to bad im unable to take the time to really take in the scenery. I quickly stop and grab bunny and push her agenst a wall as the other animals walk passed the hallway. When they pass we continue to run, and thats when I see it, theres a window, but its all the way across a long corador. I point to the window and say "thats our way out, but look over there." I point to the 2 gaurds searching the area.
"What if we found a way to distract them?" Bunny says looking around.
"Do you have any ideas?" I say looking at her.
She continues to look around and her big bunnt ears perk up.
"Follow my lead." She says smiling.
Im glad shes smileing, it means shes confidant, im hoping whatever she has got planned works out.
The corador had six doors in counting, and 3 of them were already opened by the guards.
"Alright you see the first door that isnt opened?"Bunny says point to the first door on the right.
" yeah what about it?" I say kinda confused.
"Its to far for us to reach it by hand, but if you manage to use ur tail ur able to open it! Once you do that I want you to slam it. That will make the gaurds come over and search that room, then we make a run for it." She says confidently but quietly, as the gaurds seemed to get closer.
"Alright, lets hope this works." I say about to open the door, but gets stopped.
"Do it when there not looking, you dont want to get caught!" She says in a stern but quiet tone.
I nod and peek over the corner makeing sure they can see me, as I wait for them to turn around. Finally and opening had opened up, the gaurds were both focused on one room. I turn around positioning myself to the door. Using my tail I manage to wrap it around the gold door knob and attempt to open it. This turned out to be allot harder then expected, my fur wouldnt grip the door. I can feel myself start to sweat, It feels like theres a clock ticking in my head. I keep trying but keep failing, I try harder as the sound of the guards shuffling. At the last second I manage to open the door and slam it shut, then I quickly swipe my tail away and hold it in my hand. I felt out of breath and panicy but I did it. The gaurds heard this and made there way to the door and headed inside, closing the door behind them. Me and bunny both looked at eachother, and made a run for it.
"Help me lift it." I say extremely quietly
She just nods and me both pull it open, and I help her climb out, then climb out myself. We close the window very quietly and take a look around at our surroundings. There was a masive flush of greenery, even if it was night time. This was great, it provided cover for us to excape. Infront of us seems to be a massive forest, we both knew we had to go there in order for us to not get found. We made our way into the forests, but I couldnt help but to turn around and get my very last look at the catsle. Bunny looked at me, but I could tell she understood that I wanted to look at for the last time.
Back were we started, in the forest, together, alive.

To be continued

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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