kings dinner proposal

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I woke up, I didnt feel pain anywere in my body. Ill have to admit that was the best sleep in my life, I've never been so greatful to even be sleeping in a bed again.
Sitting up, I streach out my hands, feeling a pop go in both my shoulders and a heat of realief. I move my legs to dangle off the bed and somthing catches my eye. There was a grey shirt and some yellow-ish pants, somthing I wouldnt regularly wear on my day to day, but its better then walking around almost naked, I think I even caught a few people stareing at me, it was very weird. Neither the less I put the clothes on, they were kind of itchy, the fabric was ok..... Atleast its better than nothing.
As I was fixing up the bed I had slept in, there was a knock at the door. I go ahead and open the door, expecting to see Sir.Stickman, but instead greeted by BunBun. I was star struck, she was wearing a baby blue dress, i swear i could hear my heart beating out of my chest.
"Angella!" I say hugging her tightly.
"What are you talking about, im not Angella, did you hit ur head or somthing?" She says holding on a little longer but letting go.
"I-I am sorry I just." I say stepping back, almost on the verge of tears.
Im so embarrassed, how could I have made that mistake.
"Hey its alright, your just really paraniod about finding this girl arent you?" She says grabbing my hand and motions us to sit on my bed.
"Yeah I just miss her so much." I say looking down at my feet, feeling a few tears role down my face.
"You can talk to me, why is this girl so important to you, if you dont mind me asking?" She says puttinf her hand on my shoulder, to show she really cares.
"She... She was my girlfriend, I was planning to marry her on top of a mountain, I picked out a baby blue dress kinda similar to the one you are wearing, to make everything perfect. Its blurry but, I think she died on that mountain. We were so close to the top, so close to happiness and I lost it all. But I refuse to believe she is dead, thats why im looking for her." I say looking at her then looking back at the ground, wiping my tears as best as I can.
"Thats.....SO ROMANTIC!! Omg Cano i didnt take you to be that type of guy....thats so sweet, omg I really want to help you find her now, um do you need a hug, unless I mean I dont want to be weird or anything or all its just uh- ill quit talking now." She says nervously scratching her head and smileing.
"Honestly I can really go for a hug, if you dont mind." I say slightly holding my arms out.
"Of course, anything plus you really seem to need it." She says getting closer.
Next thing I know we're hugging, it felt so samilar I wanted this to last forever it felt so comfortable, calm, and safe. I can feel her trying to push away but I just hold her tigher crying harder.
"Sir Cano, Miss BunBuns, are in there, I have some very splended news." A familar voice says on the other side of the door.
I let go of the hug, I cant help but look at her, shes red...beat red..., I get up and go to the door wiping more of my tears and open it to see a small stick greeting me with a smile.
"I bet you guys must be hungry, mind if I take you guys out to eat, in fact the king has requested a dinner meal with us, this evening how does that sound?" Sir. Stickman says in a confident tone.
"That sounds lovely!" Bunbun says bending down to my side to pick up Sir.Stickman.
"Thank you my dear, you are very kind, but we must be on our way now." Sir.stick man says pointing to the direction we need to head.

    Soon we were outside walking the street side, on our way to the castle

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Soon we were outside walking the street side, on our way to the castle. I wonder why he wanted to have dinner with us, he doesn't know us, maybe Sir.stick had somthing to do with this. Actually now that im thinking about it, i dont know much about him, he seems nice but has yet to tell us anything about himself.
"So who exactly are you?" I say looking at Sir.Stick.
"What however do you mean, im Sir.Stickman." he says, slightly confused.
"We know nothing about you, can u tell us about yourself, atleast a little?" I say with a more stern but confident tone.
"Oh, your quite right, im very sorry for not explaining more about myself. As you know my name is Sir.Stickman but most people call me Sticky or Sir.Stick, Im from the very hidden, and now destroyed, town called valteno, it was filled with many stick people of the same atire and looks, sadly I am the last of my kind, but I dont let that stop me. I am the kings right hand man, im 5034 years old and I am very knowledgeable, I assist him in any requests he may present to me. Is this all the information you need?" Sir.Stick says looking at me with a small smile.
"No thats fine, you have shared a lot and I really appreciate it, you really are a good guy sticky, I really appreciate everything you have done for us, even when you really didnt have to."
"Heh dont flatter me boy, im simply doing whats right!" He says with an even brighter smile.
Suddenly I remembered what Alesa said," the king knows all ask him." Soon I will have my answer, I will finally find out if she is actually here or if she actually died that day we went hiking. I sped up my walk pace, un-knowing of the horrible fate that was about to awate me at the kings dinner party...

To be continued....

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