The Tragic End ( PT.2/2)

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      I wake up,still a bit tired, but mostly anxious about today. " Everything has to be perfect". I say to myself. Turning my head to see my girlfriends small body lying under the covers, I quietly lean over her to grab my phone, which had been turned off. Pulling my phone twards me and resting back, suddenly blinded by a bright light as i turn my phone on. " Shit thats bright". I tell myself as I lower the brightness to check the time. "2...2:00 pm". I say while turning my phone off and resting it on my chest.
      I bult up, suddenly remembering when we had to be at the trip. I lean over her again, this time pulling the sheets off over her head, and moving her warm hair out of her face. She's so cute when shes sleeping, so warm and cuddled up, i just want to sleep with her all day, but i cant think about that right now or we're going to be late. Moving my hands on her shoulders, i gently shake her.
      " babe we need to get going or we're going to be late". I say still shaking her.
      She replys in a small groan, i make my way off the bed and onto the wooden floor. Heading to the closet that is just on the other side of the room I hear a small voice saying " come back to bed". I bend down to the side of the bed to meet the eyes of Angella. Her bright blue eyes sleepy,just woke, and droopy, still seemed to amaze me.
     " babe were going to be late get ur booty up!". I say while takeing the blankets off of her
     " ugh fineeee" she mutters while sitting up.
     I make my way to the closet opening it, and picking up an outfit for me and her to wear. I chose to wear a my green t-shirt and jeans with some sneakers.
I call angella over hand her the outfit i chose for her, she gives me a puzzled look but was to tired to care and headed off into the bathroom to change.
     When i finished changing i grabbed a back pack i had just haning up in the living room. I start putting water bottles and snacks into the backpack when i hear angella shout, she was saying " don't forget the gummy snacks". I cant help but giggle at how childish she could be sometimes. A few hours has passes and we're out on our way to the moutain. I feel the box, the small box, in my pocket, the one im going to be holding when i bend down on one knee. The box fumbles at the slightest move ment, itching agents my side, i cant stop thinking about it. My thoughts were broken, at the sound of angella gasping in amazement.
      "Someome seems eager to get out, atleast let me park the car". I say while turning the car into a narrow parking space.
      " I can't help it, it looks so amazing, how did u find this place". She says while grabbing my arm, eager for me to unlock the doors.
      " alright, alright calm down". I say while putting the car in park and unlocking the car doors. We both get out, I grab my back pack and put it on. I walk around the car to see angella already trying to climb, i cant help but stare. I haven't had a good look at her, seeing her in the babe blue dress i picked out for her makes my heart beat faster then ever. Her eyes turn to look at me, my heart beats faster, I just want to hold her forever.
     " can we get going!" She said frantically pacing around
     I snap out of my head and reply with a simple " yes", and we start to walk the narrow trail. As we walk i cant help but think, what if she says no, what if i get rejected, what if she leaves me, or she isnt ready. My mind wanders more and more, so many thoughts race in my head. I snap back into reality to see angella slowly moving closer to me.
     "Can i hold ur hand?" She says as we are starting to make our way up and further from the flat ground.
       I stare at her kind of flutered, remembering she is scared of highths, i say " ofcourse babe" and her hand and mine intertwine. Closer and closer to the top we get, my nervousness steadily getting worse as the butterflys in my stomach fight to stay put.
       " we should stop here to take a break, you can even get some gummy snacks". I say resting my back on a rock, and sliding my backpack off opening it to take out the context inside. Happily angella walks over to grab the gummy stacks from my hands, i gladly hand them over. We both drink water from the small water bottle i had packed, and get started to walk again. I was about to to keep walking when angella starts to tug on my shirt.
      " baby my feet hurt can u carry me?" She tells me.
      " Ok but ur gunna have to carry the back pack" I say taking my backpack off and handing it to her to put on.
      " hold on tight baby". I said picking her up and holding her on my back.This goes on until we are more them half way to the top and i set her down, tired, but glad to have been carrying her.
      " thank u baby ur fun to ride on heh." She says while walks ahead of me.
I huff tired but cant help but smile, shes so cute.We continue to walk more nearly at the top, I can see angellas excitement raise the closer and closer we get to the top.
      " hey babe ill race u to the top!" She says turning to face me turning around walking backwards.
      " babe be careful u cant be walking back like that, I dont want u to end up hurt." I say pacing to try and keep up.
      " dont be silly babe ill be fi-." She started to say when a loud "crack" noise can be heard so clearly, to clearly. It felt like the world had stopped, everything was frozen in time, no, in slow motion. The ground began to break, she was falling, my heart stopped for what felt like eternity. Could this be the end, was everything ive ever wanted be taken away from me instantly. My body moved on its own, i dont want to loose her, not after everything. I remember reaching, grabbing, and holding her pale body. We we're falling, but i couldnt help but feel ok with this, i was dieing with the one i loved, the one ive always loved.

To be continued

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