Frower Crowns and Daisies

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  Sam took me to the village that exact day and proudly kept our hands intertwined, though everyone kept to themselves, so they either didn't notice or just didn't pay us any unwanted attention.

Though I was hesitant about having Sam crowded between all the villagers, I kept a careful eye around and squeezed his hand whenever the crowd subconsciously tried to pull us apart.

"Colby, come on!" Sam gasped, pulling me through the villagers and towards a small flower shop located on the side of the rode. The small shop was a tiny one-floored building filled with stands and stands of either freshly picked flowers or artificial ones.

The area did smell nice when we entered so I presumed it contained real flowers rather than fake ones. My eyes landed on a little crafting table when we walked in and I reluctantly let go of Sam, allowing him to look at the other flower stands. The place was fairly empty so I was put at ease. A little.

I grabbed a few little daisies from the pot stationed near the table and began weaving them into a flower crown that would fit Sam. I secured the crown with thread and stealthily moved my hands over it, closing my eyes and allowing the power of life to seep into the flowers permanently.

I re-opened my eyes when I was done and looked around to see if anyone spotted me. Fortunately no one did and I moved back to the lady behind the desk. All angels held the power of life within them, which is why animals were also attracted to us. Our powers are banned to be used but as I was no longer a member of heaven, I didn't care in the slightest.

The power in the flowers would keep it alive forever, until the day I die. "Colby, what are you buying?" Sam asked from beside me, trying to peer over me but I quickly hid the flower crown behind me after paying the lady.

Sam frowned and tried looking around me again but I quickly made the crown disappear and raised my empty hands. "Nothing," I smiled innocently, making him shrug and nod.

The lady looked at me in bewilderment once when made our way outside but I just ignored her and grabbed Sam's hand, beginning to run through the villagers and in the direction of Sam's little home.

"Colby, wait!" Sam laughed brightly as we ran, making me smile and continue running until we reached the grass patch under the tree I sat under only days prior. Sam let out a shriek when he tripped, crashing into me and sending us both into the long grass.

I laughed loudly when we landed and pulled Sam into a hug as we laid in the soft grass. He panted lightly from exhaustion and rolled over me so he was laying on me.

I smiled up at him and held out my hands making the crown reappear in my hand. With a soft gaze, I placed the crown made up of beautiful white flowers on top his head and brushed a few strands of hair away. "You look beautiful, just like the flowers." I whispered, subconsciously leaning in until our lips collided.

After the little shock, Sam kissed back and coiled his arms around my neck with a quiet hum of satisfaction. Our hearts poured with strong affection and love and my wings spread out wide, wrapping themselves around the both of us and only moving us closer.

I could feel my heart stutter with love and I knew only one person would be able to do that; Sam.

((Two more chapters! The next two will be in third POV so be ready!))

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