~Chapter Three~~The Bad Boy Makes A Bad Decision~

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I'm in my last class of the day and everything has gone by pretty besides the fact that Henry keeps staring at me and I don't know how to feel about it. I have had three out of four classes with him and still have never really been near him because the teacher always has me seated away from him but he still stared at me through all the classes and all through lunch but still kept his distance. I have multiple classes with the boys and Richie even noticed it and the other boys found it weird that Henry hasn't messed with them at all today. So I'm sitting in class and I can feel his gaze and I was kinda getting tired of it.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I mumbled under my breath and Richie looked at me.

"Did you say something Y/n?" Richie looked at me curiously.

"Bowers keeps looking at me so I told him to take a picture because it would last longer" I told him, obviously kind of irritated. Richie looked back and saw Henry staring right at me then switching his gaze to Richie and giving him a look that instantly made him turn around.

"Yeah he really is staring at you. And how could you tell when you haven't turned around?" Richie questioned me quietly so the teacher didn't yell at us even though we were allowed to talk we still had to be quiet.

"I can feel it. It's something that also comes in handy when someone is trying to hit you without you knowing, why do you think I never lose fights?" I told him with a small laugh.

As class was coming to an end I started to pack my bag and put one of my headphones in and talk to Richie. We were having a conversation as the bell rang, Richie and I hurried into the hall to meet up with Bill, Eddie, and Stan as Richie tells them that Bowers kept staring at me.

"Yeah he was staring so hard I'm surprised his eyes didn't pop out of his head"I told them laughing as we walked down the hall. As we walked out the door I took a deep breath in and looked around after being stuck in that school for seven hours.

"Best feeling ever" I said, taking another deep breath of fresh air.

"Really, try tickling your pickle for the first time." Rishie said adjusting his glasses

"Richie for starters I don't have a pickle to tickle" I said as I started to laugh " And second off the fact that you call it that shows that you've never done it" I told him as I continued to laugh while leaning against a tree outside the school. I stopped laughing as I saw four boys walking in our direction. This tall boy with longer dark hair walked over and pulled Richie's backpack knocking him into Stan making them both fall as he reached down and grabbed Stan's kippah.

"Nice frisbee flamer" the boy said with a big grin, throwing Stan's kippah and throwing it onto a passing bus. Then this guy with a hat burped into Eddie's face making him gag of course because of the fact that he's a germaphobe. Then Henry pushed Bill making him stumble backwards a bit before starting to walk away with his group not even paying attention to the fact that I was still leaning against the tree.

"You s-s-suck Bowers" Bill stuttered out being obviously pissed off earning a look and a "shut up" from Richie as Henry and his gang turned around and Henry slowly took steps until he was right in front of Bill.

"You s-s-say somethin' B-B-B-Billy. You got a free ride this year because of your little brother, rides over Denbrough." as he said mimicking Bills stutter then threatening the boy. After he said this he noticed me still leaned against the tree with one eyebrow raised and a 'really' look plastered across my face. He started to step a little closer to me with some stupid smirk on.

"Bowers, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Thats a bad idea." Richie warned Henry but also curious himself as to what was fixing to happen.

"And why is that" Henry asked Richie with a sarcastic attitude leaving Richie with his arms crossed just shaking his head before he turned back to me with another smirk and continued to take small, slow steps, "What would you possibly do to me princess?" he asked before taking that last step towards me that put him in front of me. As soon as he took that last step I got off the tree, grabbed his arms and twisted them behind his back and pulled them together holding them with one hand knowing that it was kind of painful. He kept the smirk but you could tell that the way his arms were being held was uncomfortable for him.

"Now how does that feel, princess" I grinned, mocking the way he called me it and patting his shoulder to be even more of a smartass. The boys and the rest of the bowers gang besides Richie just stood there. The Bowers gang was shocked, the boys were amused and Richie once again stood there with his arms crossed shaking his head.

"I tried to warn you" Richie told Henry with a smartass tone. Henry laughed a little so I shoved him forward letting him go and leaning back against the tree before he walked back over to Bill. He glanced at me before going back to threatening Bill and the boys. We all noticed him look over Bill's shoulder at a cop who was looking back over at him, and his expression and he looked almost worried before changing his glare back down to Bill.

"This summers gonna be hurt train for you and your faggot friends" he told Bill before licking his hand and sliding it down Bill's face and starting to walk away before stopping and turning around one last time.

"Bye princess" he said, winking at me. I raised my hand up and pointed to my mouth making a gagging noise and rolling my eyes at the boy.

"Look H, you already got her gagging" the dark headed boy joked nudging Henry them both grinning.

"You best shut the hell up and leave before I make you watch as I break your goddamn legs" I spat at the two before getting up off the tree again and slowly taking steps towards them. Their grins fell and they looked at me and saw how serious I was and turned around without a word and walked over to their car with their blond friend and the guy in the hat waiting on them.

"Damn" was all Eddie, Bill, and Stan could say as they stood there and looked at me shocked.

"I tried to tell you" Richie commented, shaking his head and laughing as he and I started to walk back to my Jeep with the other boys following right behind us.

A/n I really hope you are enjoying the book so far. I'm going to try to post a new chapter soon but I have to focus on school before I do anything. I hope you understand and thanks for reading and I will get you an update as soon as I get the chance.

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