~Chapter Ten~~Juveniles~

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A/n: (Warning) This chapter gets spicy and has a little bit of  sexual content

I open the door to see the boys and move to let them in. Vic was in front of them all so he walks in first and gives me a hug before backing up and looking at my clothes.

  "God Y/n put on some pants" he said covering his eyes. Him and Richie bust out laughing and the others just giggle.

"God damnit! I am wearing pants you morons" I threw my arms in the air as a sign that I had given up arguing.

"Dude I just did that right before you rang the bell" Richie says bent over laughing before Vic walks up and they high five.

"This kid fucking gets it! He's funny" Vic says as they continue to laugh while the other boys walk in with Henry at the end of the line.

"I wouldn't mind seeing you with no pants" Henry whispered in my ear before walking past me as my face turned as red as a fire truck. We laughed and joked for a while as we stood in the kitchen eating more pizza. We finished eating and I told the boys to head to the living and for Richie to pick a show they want to watch while I clean up. When I finish cleaning I walk into the living room to hear them talking about their favorite bands and things, Belch and Vic on one couch Henry on the other with Patrick in the recliner all the while Richie is spread out on the soft rug in the middle of the room. There is a bit of room next to Vic but I decided to take the seat next to Henry. We were having a peaceful conversation and everything was going well . Richie then decided it would be a good idea to speak up and change the subject.

"So I heard Y/n say she was interested in someone when the pizza boy tried hitting on her." he said, giving me a devious smile as he sat on the floor as my face turns red. I kicked him in the hip making him mumble in pain. All the boys look at me with the same look that spoke on its own, it was complete curiosity. The only ones in the room who did not have that look was me who was completely embarrassed and Vic who just smiled at me as he already knows my secret, then there is Henry who has a look of curiosity but has a slight smirk on his face.

"Why do I hang out with all you idiots?" I say as I place my face in my palms.

"Well you hang out with me because family is family, and you love me whether you want to admit it or not" Richie told me with a big smile on his face that held a hint of cockiness like he was proud of his answer.

"And you hang out with us because juveniles and meant to be with juveniles" Henry said with a smile as he nudged me with his shoulder.

"Ok well lets watch a movie" I suggested before grabbing the remote and going to Netflix and turning on Scary Movie. My favorite genres are horror movies and comedies so I picked this one and the guys agreed. As the movie plays I never even noticed that Henry and I have unconsciously been scooting closer to each other. It wasn't until I felt Henry's hand touch my thigh as it was sitting on the couch, I wasn't sure if he did that on purpose until he snaked his hand on top of my thigh, good thing we were covered by a blanket. He then looked at me and smiled with a slight smirk and me with a blush creeping onto my face.

"Is that ok?" he whispered in my ear keeping his smirk.

"Yeah" I managed to squeak out. He moves his hand closer to the inside of my thigh.

"How about this?" he asked just receiving a gulp and a nod from me as I kept my eyes glued to the tv to show no emotion.

"Do I make you nervous?" he whispered.

"A little bit but it isn't anything I'm not used to" I whispered seductively into his ear with a smirk before taking control as my dominant side started to come through. His smirk dropped to reveal one that showed complete nervousness "look who's nervous now" I smirked at him "how about we go back to focusing on the movie pretty boy" I told him getting a nervous nod in response. I won that challenge. I look over to see Vic looking at both of us with a confused look. Henry didn't notice him but I did and just smiled. Vic picked up his phone and texted me.


😈Vic😈-What in the actual hell did you do to him!

😈Vic😈-I have never seen a girl make him nervous! You broke him😂

Me-It's a talent of mine. I could never reveal my secrets.😉

😈Vic😈-Are you going to sleep with him?😏

Me-Maybe😏. But not tonight, I have Richie tonight

😈Vic😈-Well I want to know when it happens

Me-Aye aye captain

"Who was that?" Henry asked me as he still looked at the tv as I put my phone back down. He obviously could tell that I was texting but not I was texting.

"Why, are you jealous?" I asked smirking at him.

"Maybe a little bit" he whispered into my ear.

"Don't worry, it was just Vic. You have to have a way to talk to your best friend even when you have to be quiet for a movie." I told him letting out a slight giggle and I could tell he liked it because his smirk turned into cute genuine smile before returning back to its previous expression.

"Well I wasn't too worried because no one is where I am and they can't do this" he whispered before placing his hand on my inner thigh at the end of my short-shorts because he knows it has an effect on me.

"Nice try buddy but you are going to have to work harder than that" I told him before lifting the blanket and getting up "Ok guys I'm going to roll a blunt or two. You can stay in here and I will call you when I am done"

"I'll come with you, I'm pretty bored" Henry piped up as he got up and started to walk with me to the back door which was just through the kitchen.

"Go ahead and head out back, I'm going to grab a bottle of tequila and the weed." I told him as I stopped in the kitchen. He went ahead and went out and I grabbed what I needed and went out to see Henry in the only chair that I had out by the table. "C'mon Henry hou had to take the only chair at the table" I sighed as I sat the stuff on the table "I guess I will try to do this on the swing" which I didn't even want to attempt to do.

"You can always sit right here" he said smirking as I realized this was his plan all along.

"God you can keep your hands off me Bowers can you?" I said smirking and walking over and sitting right on his lap.

"No I can not" he said dragging out the 'can not' in a low voice with a smirk as he put his hands on my waist. I started to roll the blunt while taking a mouthful of tequila and did not let his actions affect me. Just to tease him I started to move my hips slowly on his lap. Right after I start I feel him go hard under me causing a sight groan to leave his mouth making me smirk.

"Henry don't do this, you are going to start something that we don't have time to finish." I told him as I continued to roll the blunt with a smirk on my face.

"Fine I'll get my revenge later" he whispered seductively in my ear causing a shiver to go down my spine. I started to think to myself as I am close to finishing rolling the blunt. 'Here we go. It's going to be a long night'

A/n: I am not the best at writing some scenes because it can get kinda awkward to wright lol. But yeah I hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for reading guys. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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