~Chapter Four~~Family Time~

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A/n:Before this chapter starts I would just like to say that I do not condone the use of drugs.

"Thanks" the boys said in unison as I dropped them off at Richie's house where their bikes were. I sat in Richie's driveway, with him now in the passenger seat, as all the boys hopped on their bikes to ride home.

"So where you headed?" Richie asked, turning to look at me.

"Probably the quarry to smoke." I told him honestly knowing my cousin wouldn't snitch on me and because he already knows I smoke.

"Can I come with? I just don't have anything to do." he asked with a look that said 'please'.

"Yeah sure I don't care, but remember the rule, if you tell your mom she will tell mine, and even though she isn't ever around and doesn't care what I do, she will use it as a reason to get onto me and if I get in trouble I will break you kid" I said laughing and ruffling his hair

"Deal" he said, holding his hand out to shake on it. I took his hand and shook it and started to back out of the driveway and headed towards the quarry. On the way there we sang, and danced, and laughed. As we pulled up at a little dirt road by the quarry I pulled over to the side and we both got out and I grabbed my small bag, my phone, and a speaker and we walked down to the little cliff. Him and I sat on some rocks across from each other with some music playing from my speaker. I pulled out the spare vape I keep in my bag that was just a drop with five nic in it and handed it to Richie, I knew he had vaped some before I showed up so I would let him when he was with me, then I started to rummage to the bottom of my bag into the secret pocked I had sewn in and grabbed a little tin box. I opened the box and pulled out a blunt, with it between my lips I lit it and took a big hit and blew the leftover smoke into the air.

"What does it feel like?" he asked, sounding actually curious. I looked at the boy who was looking at me with his head tilted.

"What does what feel like?" I asked the boy.

"Being high." he told me.

"It's different for everyone, I've been smoking for a while but I am really calm and relaxed when I'm high but I also like to joke and laugh. Some people can have energy and can focus on something. Then some people get...nevermind," I said laughing "It would be a little weird to talk to my little cousin about that" I said giggling, taking another hit of the blunt in my hand.

"What is it" he said, whining but you could see the curiosity in his eyes.

"Why are you so curious about being high Rich?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow at the boy as he shrugged.

"I don't know, I'm just curious because I've never done it before. Now tell me what you were gonna say." he looked back at the question to change the subject back to what I had changed it from. I just sat there until the boy came and sat next to me poking my side to bother me with a big grin on his face and eyes that said 'tell me'.

"Ok fine ok, ok, ok," I told him as he stopped and moved back to the rock in front of me as I took another hit and started to speak, "some people get horny when they are high. I don't know why so don't ask." I told him laughing.

"If only I knew it was that easy. I would have a girl in my bed right now." he said with a scheming look.

"First of Richie ew" I said as we both laughed "and second off don't even think about it, you can't do that to someone. Also if you ever decide to try smoking I want to be there so I can watch out for you" I told him with a kind of serious tone.

"Thanks Y/n" he said as he stood up and gave me a hug.

"No problem Rich" I said, sitting back down to continue smoking. We continued to talk about things like what happened before I moved here and some of the stuff him and his friends do and some things that have happened with Bowers, I enjoy spending time with my little cousin. As I finished off my blunt I looked at the time on my phone.

"I hate to say it but I probably should get you home dude." he nodded as we headed back to my Jeep. We jam out on the way back to his house. I pull up to his house and stop.

"Thanks again Y/n. I had fun hanging out" he told me, giving me a hug with a big smile on his face.

"No problem Rich, I had fun too, I enjoy hanging out with you little dude." I told him as he stepped out, "Hit me up if you need me or wanna hang out" with that he nodded and I watched as he walked inside to make sure he was good and didn't need anything before I drove off. I got home and showered and brushed my teeth before I changed and layed down, but stayed up and watched Netflix because I have no school tomorrow since it's Friday, before falling asleep.

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