Chapter Four: Dear Diary

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I snapped out of my own thoughts and ran towards dad again. I finally reached them and when I pull dad from his shoulders my eyes widen and tears started to fall from my face as questions filled my mind.

Is this really her?

How is this happening?

I thought her body was burned alive.

She had a huge scar on her forehead and it can still be seen even with her bangs. She had short hair that reached only over her shoulder. She still had the same features but. Older.

"Dad..." I trail off. I didn't know what to say. I was speechless.

Dad frowns and looks at mom then back at me. I was still sobbing but before I knew it, I was already hugging mom tightly. "I-I missed y-you." I spoke unevenly.

She hugs me back tighter. My head was throbbing from all these information yet I was still craving for more. Dad clears his throat and talks. "Why don't we go home and I'll explain everything, Pumpkin."


A nickname dad used to call me before the accident. And now, he's calling me that again.

I nod. "Yeah. I'll just tell my friends I'm leaving."

"Okay dear."

I ran over to the two and told them what happened. I told Violet that she would enjoy the date. And if it didn't went well, I would kick Adam's ass.

I went back to dad and held mom's hand. I have a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. There is just something that is not right.


We reached the house and got out of the car. My emotions were mixed. I felt happy, yet confused, yet sad, yet angry.

Happy because here she is. Before me is my mom who I thought was dead for 5 years.

Confused because where was she all these years. Why is dad acting like nothing ever happened?

Sad because deep down in my heart. I've found this small piece of hope that somehow somewhere, my sister is still breathing and alive. You see, after the accident, firemen told us that their body burned and left no remains. That I was lucky I hadn't had my seatbelt on and when the car rolled several times, I unconsciously got out of the car. Dad was so devastated that he still put up tombstones in Canada. Our real hometown.

Angry. Because I know there is something I still didn't know.

Dad made me sit in the living room in front of him as mom sat on my right side. Our living room had a TV and had two single armchairs and a short sofa between.

Dad runs his hand through his black and grey hair. "Amellia. Victoria. Forgive me." Dad started crying and I felt tears form in my eyes. He called me Amellia.

My real name.

"Victoria. Forgive me." He was practically begging. I've never seen dad this vulnerable. Dad wasn't the guy to express his feelings. "I changed the papers for Amellia to Amira's. Amellia is not Amellia now. Her name is Amira Collins. On the tombstone, the words written are Amira Collins but the papers are Amellia's. I did this because Melanie's brother, Brandon, was hunting Amellia. So since Amellia and Amira were identical twins, I told him he was dead and Amellia and I had move several times in and out of the country."

"I was just scared that maybe, somehow, Brandon will find out the truth that Amira is actually Amellia." Dad then looks at me and my I felt like crying. Dad brainwashed me. He said that Brandon was a serial killer who kills people to fulfill his desires before killing me. But dad brainwashed me to keep me safe. And I feel lucky. Very lucky for a dad like him. But I still have a question running through my head.

"M-mom. I thought y-you died. I -but how?"

She pouts and I can see fear in her eyes. "Amellia. I was kidnapped. His name was Jones and he kept me in a cottage deep in the woods. I tried to escape but it was no use. I actually got used to it. For the first time, I felt like I was in the right place. He brainwashed me for four years. Apparently, a deer hunter mistaken Jones for a deer. He was shot to death. The deer hunter introduces himself to me as Freddy and brought me to your grandparents. My parents."

"They made me go through therapy as I had Stockholm Syndrome. After a few months, I was fine. I was normal again. I tried finding you and your father but I didn't know where you were nor how to find you. That is until last week. I needed a job and on my way to the interview, I found a face I have been looking for five months. I found Gavin. I finally found my happiness. But there was still a hole in my heart. And that was filled when I found you."

My eyes were watery and threatened to fall. I immediately hugged mom. I missed her so, so much. I cried for two years wishing for her and Amira to come back to life. And who knew, after three more years, I'll find my mom.

"I missed you so much mom." I cried. "I thought I'd never see you again." I then hugged her tighter.

"Don't worry, Pumpkin. I'm here now."


It was already 9 pm and I got my key from my bag to open the drawer my diary was in. I wouldn't want dad to read my diary. He'll read weird, weird secret of me.

I open the drawer and there were three books. All of them were my diaries. I took my pink and blue diary and closed the drawer. I get my pen and started writing.

Dear Diary,

Today is November 10 2019. These three days were the worst and the best time of my life. First, I found out that I was Josh's next victim for his pranks. I've actually been pranked only once but still. It's annoying. Second, Violet has finally got a date. Credits for me. Then, I found out the woman in the accident was actually Millie's mom. I feel really guilty because it wasn't Amira who was driving it was me. I just had to force mom and boom. My life is ruined. But actually, it isn't. Mom is alive. A.L.I.V.E. Alive and breathing. Dad is his old self again. I almost thought we were complete. But then again, Amira is not with us. But I'm still lucky. Lucky because I have friends like Millie and Violet. Because I have parents. Because I am happy. Anyways, I just wish Amira could be here with us. I miss her so much. If only Amira were here, there is only one thing I would tell her. And it is that I love her.

Love, Amellia.

I close my diary and went to sleep.

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