Chapter Ten: What Happened To Millie?

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It's currently lunch and we were at the canteen. I brought lunch with me while Carmen and Liyana bought chicken rice. We all bought bandung which was a pink drink and tastes very good.

While eating, two boys sat beside Liyana as she was in front of me and Carmen. One had a very dark tone which I suspect was a pure Indian and the other had this black cap on his head that Muslim guys wear which means he's a Muslim. This boy was wearing a different uniform from the regular uniforms.

"Liyana. Siapa tu?" Liyana. Who's that? The Muslim boy asks.

"Oh right. This is Melanie. Awak panggil dia Mel. Melanie, this is Reidzman. You can call him Ahman." She then points at the Indian guy looking at me. "This is Devan A/L Jiwa. He is the son of our current guidance counsellor."

I smiled amused and nodded. "Melanie Preston is my full name guys. Uhm, saya mahu cakap Bahasa Melayu. Boleh awak tolong saya?" I want to speak Malay. Can you help me?

They laugh at my accent which I laughed at too. I still needed a lot of practice.

I was almost done eating my lunch when a question popped in my head.

"Hey guys. Why don't the teachers call us by our surnames. I just realized that they call us by our first names."

Liyana translated what I said to the boys and they made an 'o' with their mouths. Carmen then talks. "It's because, Muslim and Indian surnames are the name of their fathers. For example, Ahman's father is Nazri. So that means Nazri will be his surname. So, if you call him Nazri, it will be like calling his father. But if you are actually talking to Ahman then you called him by his surname. It's considered rude."

I nod understanding why and then finished my food when I realized I still had one more question. "Last question guys. Why does Ahman wear a different uniform?"

Ahman is wearing a red long-sleeved polo and a red vest on top with a black necktie. Paired with red slocks and and black socks and shoes.

Ahman smiles and explains. "I am the head prefect of the school. I am in charge of the discipline of the students and the highest among the other prefects. And I am also a part of the meetings of teachers."

I put my hand on my chin and nodded. He was like the president of the Supreme Student Government. Well, something like that.

Lunch ended quickly and we were at our desks waiting for Sir Nazri. The girls said he was our Bahasa Melayu (Malay) teacher.

I was bores because Salleh was still not talking to me. Then I decided to make the first move.

"Hi Salleh. I'm-" he cuts me off before I could finish my sentence.

"I know who. I don't want to friend you."

Okay that was bad English. But why are you so cold, man. I just need a plan. But how?

Almost suddenly, a male teacher steps into the room and smiles.

"Selamat pagi, kelas" good morning class.

We all stand up and greeted back and took our seats.

"Saya dengar daripada guru besar yang kita ada pelajar baru." I have heard from the headmaster that we have a new student.

Jairul stands up and replies. "Ye cikgu. Dia duduk di tepi Salleh." Yes sir. She is sitting beside Salleh.

He gaze instantly turns to me and smile warmly. "Welcome, Miss Melanie. Please enjoy Malaysia and are you able to speak BM?"

I smiled slightly and nod. "Ye. Saya tahu cakap Bahasa sedikit. Tapi ada banyak words yang saya tidak tahu." Yes. I know a bit of Bahasa. But there are a lot of words that I still don't know.

He seems impress with what I said and told me to sit down. I had a bit of problems understanding the lesson especially since my seatmate wasn't aware of my existence. Luckily for me Sir Nazri was kind enough to explain some words.

Finally it was 4 p.m. and school is done.

I went back home since Emery's dismissal was an hour ago. This day didn't seem so bad.

I parked my car and went inside. Sometimes, I actually wish we have been here sooner. I feel happier here. Even though I miss Millie and Violet, I actually feel like I'm in the right place. For once I feel complete and safe.

But then it hit me hard.

Millie's last text. She told me to run. But why? My heart started beating faster and I greeted my parents and went upstairs to my room.

In my room, Emery was doing her assignment. I actually didn't get her real name. The government didn't tell us about Em but they told us her new personality.

I got in the room and closed the door. I looked at her with complete sadness and expectations. She raises an eyebrow and faces me.

"Do you need anything, Mel?" She asks.

I stared at my phone. "I need to call the government."

Her eyes widen at what I said. She gets up from her study place and look out of the window. Then, she went to the door and looked around outside. She closed the door and locked it. She pulled me to a corner of the room and took my phone. She unlocked it and dialed Harris and gave it to me.

"Good afternoon, Miss Preston. What may I do for you?" A deep manly voice speaks at the other end

I look at the ceiling and explained. "There was something I forgot about. On the day we asked for help, around 3 a.m., I received a text from Millie Reyes. My former best friend. Her last text told me to run away."

I inhaled and continued. "And on November 10, 2019, she actually knew about my sister's death. But she doesn't know I was in the car as well. But my main concern is I want to know how is she. Please. Just this one unformal request. I'm just worried."

There was a brief pause when Harris finally spoke. "We actually have news about her as she is related to the person you are running away from."

My heart skipped a beat and I was desperate to know if she was safe. She should be. She's strong. Everybody knows that.

"It's best we tell you personally. We will be there in 40 minutes."

He hangs up and this made me even more worried for Millie's safety. And this was all my fault. I just had to be a stubborn girl.




Hello peeps. For my Characters, they will be at the end of my story. I hope its worth the wait. But at the moment for no specific characters yet, you may imagine any person at the moment. I hope you'll like them ❤💛💜.

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