Chapter 14: "We Need To Talk"

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I opened the door and when I got a better view of Liyana, my hands instantly flew to my mouth.

Liyana. She had tubes and things in and out of her body. Her body was full of blood and bruises. Then when I saw Carmen in tears, I broke out.

She came towards me and I started crying vigorously.

We pulled away and she started rubbing my back trying to comfort me. I looked back at Liyana but it was hard to look at her since nurses and doctors were surrounding her. My heart dropped once more when I heard her unstable heartbeat.

The sleeves of her shirt were torn and she doesn't have a head scarf. Doctors then started to push me and Carmen out and we had to.

By now I was overhyperventilating. What happened.

"Carmen, what happened?"

She looked horrible. She looks like she hadn't been sleeping for weeks and boy was she a mess.

"T-tadi dia kata dia nak pergi pasar malam untuk beli sesuatu. Saya dah lupa apat tu. Liyana di telefon dengan saya. Kami cakap mengenai Ahman lepas tu saya dengar kereta dia terhempas." Just now, she wanted to go to the night market to buy something. I forgot about it. Liyana was on the phone with me. We were talking about Ahman then after that I heard her car crash.

I didn't really know how to react anymore. Liyana is in critical state and Carmen isn't near sober. She looked so delicate. She was just scared. She has been friends with Liyana for over ten years. It's really scary.

Liyana's parents came a few minutes ago and after a while my family came with Carmen's.

One of Liyana's doctors came out to talk with Aida, her mom, for a minute.

We waited anxiously for the news and after what felt like years, Aida came out with sad eyes.

We approached her and my mother tried comforting her as she explained. It turns out Liyana lost a large amount of blood and is currently in the ICU and under life support. The impact of the crash damaged her frontalis and leg.

Investigators told us that the accident was actually planned. It was a hit and run crash.

This sent chills to my spine.

The detective then told us that we were to be questioned tomorrow. I was scared things like this were happening to the people around me. I experienced these kinds of shit and I don't want any of my loved ones experience what me and my family experienced.

We got home around 2 in the morning and school was cancelled for the day because of the incident.

I lay down feeling really tired and finally went to sleep.


I woke up at around 9 and took a bath and wore a pair jeans with a halter top. I went downstairs and ate breakfast and went for the questioning. I just want to get over this.

I met Carmen outside of the building and we hugged for a few seconds before entering the building.

It's been a week after Liyana's accident. Graduation is in two weeks. Unfortunately, Liyana is not showing any signs of progress. She's still in a coma and under life support.

On the good side, I was pronounced top one in the whole Form Six. What an achievement.

Another bad news, is that Salleh and I broke up. We had an argument last week and unfortunately we didn't understand each others' side. Now we aren't on good terms. When we talk with each other we would just probably end up arguing.

I am now sitting beside Carmen because last Monday Salleh and I kind of argued unintentionally during class and I was transferred beside Carmen.

We just finished Math and we had PE.

I fixed my ponytail and we went down to the school's sports room.

"Selamat pagi murid-murid. Hari ini semua boleh main apa apa sebab ada masaalah di pejabat." Good morning students. Today you may play anything because there is a problem at the office.

"Foot ball!" Nadia exclaimed.

[A/N: not American football. I mean soccer 🙃]

We all nodded and went to the field. We wore vests with colours for each teams. I was wearing a red vest and we started playing.

After an hour of playing, we went back to our room and changed clothes.

We still wore baggy pants since we didn't have specific pants for PE.

We had History now and after is lunch.

Carmen was singing a Chinese song and it has been 20 minutes of me staring into the unknown thinking about what my life will be by next year. I will be sent back to America for college. It was actually my decision to study there.

I told Harris that I wanted to study there to try a new life. I wanted to start a new life by myself. I will try my best.

Fortunately, he agreed.

But there was a bigger reason why I wanted to enter that specific school. A few months ago, I found out all of my friends are going to study there.

Another reason why Harris allowed me to study there was because the school was a cool school. I forgot the school's name but I written it in my diary.


30 minutes had passed and still no sign of our History teacher.

I told Jairul I was going to the comfort room. I went out and once I reached the toilet, I just stared at myself.

Me wearing a while polo and a light blue pinafore with short socks and white shoes was not something I'd expected 8 months ago. I did my thing and before I could flush, I heard gossip girl. Her name is Sarah and I think her best friend's name was Kartika. They were both Form 6 as well. But at a lower class.

Actually in each level, there are eight classes and your section will be depended on your grade. I was in the second section unlike Ahman who was in the first and Devan who was in the 4th class.

"Woi, Kartika. Awak tau tak, Salleh dah ada teman perempuab baru." Hey, Kartika. Didn't you know Salleh has a new girlfriend?

"Siapa?" Who?

"Saya tak pasti tapi saya fikir..." I'm not sure but I think it's...

"Siapa lah?"

"Teman perempuan baru dia adalah Carmen."

My heart dropped when I heard this. I was planning on apologizing with him since I was the one who was hard headed at the time. But I thought he loved me?

I flushed the toilet and stormed to my classroom and glared Carmen. Tears were forming in my eyes. I didn't want to believe them but Sarah is never wrong.

"We need to talk."


A/N: Heyy guys. I'm emotional rn for 102 views. I never thought I would reach over a hundred read. I love you all and thank for the support 😢😢.

Anyways, I just wanted to inform you that I update weekly and when I can, I do double updates.

Thank you for the supports ♡♡♡. Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow me!! Again, thanks!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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