5 - The One Where You Participate in a Battle Trial

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She's Amazing

It came as a great shock to you all when All Might entered the classroom, "Walking in like a normal person."

Excited chatter broke out across the room about the number one hero being so close. You were excited as well, of course. It was almost impossible to hate All Might, the extremely likable Symbol of Peace.

Aizawa sighed. "The designs you all submitted were given to the support course... so change into your costumes and meet outside."

Everyone rushed to collect their clothes. Once in the locker room, you examined your costume. You weren't sure what modifications would help you with your quirk, so the only unordinary things were the notepads, pens, pencils and markers attached to the belt you wore and the words scribbled on the soles of your shoes. The rest of your "costume" consisted of sturdy jeans shorts and a short red shirt that exposed your arms so that you could write on them if needed.

You felt out of place seeing the other girls' costume designs. They're all so unique and cool-looking.

"(Y/N)! That's your name, right?" You turned to the sound of the voice. A very pink girl.

You smiled. "That's me."

"You know, your costume makes me wonder even more what your quirk is!" She waited expectantly for your answer.

The bubbly girl chimed in. "Yeah! Paper and writing utensils? It's gotta have something to do with writing!"

Finally, some people with something normal to say.

"Team F! (L/n) and Sato!" All Might boomed.

You had no idea who Sato was, but luck was on your side that day because he found you later. Those that weren't completing the trial were watching the battles unfold in another room. Before the first match, your teammate introduced himself to you.

"Rikido Sato. My quirk is Sugar Rush, and when I consume ten grams of sugar, my strength increases five times!"

You deemed him normal in a positive sort of way. You liked the way that he introduced himself and his quirk. Does that mean he can eat as much sugar as he wants? Sweet.

You and the class watched as the first match-up unfolded. It was Midoriya and the bubbly girl (Uraraka, you discovered) against Bakugo and the uptight Iida. You saw as Bakugo stormed off on his own and was soon attacking, no, attempting to end Midoriya. How foolish.

Team after team went, and you were astonished by their amazing quirks and abilities. That Todoroki fellow sure is something else.

Soon enough, you and Sato (villain team) were up against Aoyama and Ashido. Your team was hidden on the third floor in a far corner. Sato made no moves as soon as it started. Rather, he looked at you as of awaiting instruction. Does he think that I know what I'm doing?

You cleared your throat. "Uh, I think it would be better if you go down there and hold one of them off. If only one comes up here, I can defend the weapon." You did your best to sound sure and smart. Luckily, he bought it.

"Got it!" He gave you a thumbs up before disappearing into the rest of the building. One.

You examined the weapon. It was big. Can I defend this alone? I guess I could... You ripped a piece of paper from your tiny notepad and scribbled stone wall on it. "I hope that prick Iida sees this and stops annoying me about my quirk," you said under your breath.

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