11 - She Was Not Worried

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The One Where You Go to the Store

You swung open the door to your home, beat from the day's events. You searched for Hideo, who was usually pacing around and reading a book. Today, however, he was looking at the phone held tightly in his grip. His typical smiling face was contorted into something far more worrisome than you liked to see.

He noticed your presence and didn't even attempt to cover anything up. You knew it was about your parents – that was the only topic that you, him and your sister were completely transparent about with each other.

"They haven't responded in months, nor have they sent any money." He looked down as he spoke.

It was not unusual for your parents to be out of reach for a week or so, but never more than a month. And why were you finding out just now?

Ayano soon entered the scene, and Hideo filled her in as well. She did not have the same distraught reaction as you and your brother; she seemed more off-put, if anything. She quickly excused herself to her room, leaving her siblings confused.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry, but I was hoping if I kept waiting, I wouldn't have to worry you with this," Hideo said, standing up. "We'll be on the streets by next month if we don't get any more money."

It was common knowledge that the use of quirks was prohibited in public areas. Stores were no exception. So why was Shoto able to see the golden glimmer of your quirk at the front counter? Why was it directed at the person behind the counter? Obedience, the words you scribed read.

Shoto hid behind an aisle, silently watching as the cashier handed you money. You wore a mask concealing your face, but to someone like him, it couldn't be any clearer that it was you. He continued to watch as you slipped the money in your purse.

Once you were finished, you did not leave. Rather, you strolled the aisles as if looking for something to buy. Shoto panicked when you began walking his way, and he left the store, waiting for you to exit before speaking to you.

Through the glass doors, he watched again. He watched you fill your arms with groceries and go back to the front counter. You paid with the very money you stole. The moment you got your receipt, you briskly left the building. Your escape was cut short right after you got out.

"Oh wow." Shoto smiled warmly. "What a coincidence that we see each other here."

You slowly looked up at him. Did he see anything? No, he couldn't have – he was outside and talking to you normally. "Yeah, haha," you replied. "Sorry Shoto, but I can't chat now. I have to make dinner for my siblings tonight." You hesitated when you walked away. Should you call him later to make him believe that nothing was wrong? Or would that make anything more obvious?

He hesitated when you walked away. Did he really just witness you commit a crime? No, you were nice (y/n). A normal aspiring hero that liked writing stories. Not a criminal. His eyes must have been playing tricks on him. Reporting you would be a mistake.

Shoto forgot why he was out and headed home.

Break Time!

(Y/n)'s parents work as publishers and travel everywhere all the time because of the many different people they work with. You always wonder why they can never be home for such a job.

And so we continue...

"She's the one that can write and make stuff! And curse people!"

"Yes, yes! But I'm pretty sure it's more of an enchantment type of thing."

The teenaged girl and grown man stalked you from an alley. "She totally just stole money! Really! Can you believe it!" The girl cheered. "A UA student committed a crime!"

It was such a coincidence. You and your siblings bumping into each other, the three of you with full hands carrying grocery bags. You and Ayano bearing purses on your shoulders and Hideo with a bag crossing his body. You stared at one another, the awkwardness so palpable you felt as if you were choking on it.

"I was buying groceries," Hideo stated with an unusually monotone voice.

"Me too." "Same here."

You all decided to not take the conversation any further than that. You silently unlocked the door to your dear home. After putting the groceries you bought away, you disappeared into your room. Ayano tried to do the same but was stopped by Hideo.

"Aya," he called out. She was stepping out of the kitchen but stopped to look at him. "I know we're a bit short on money, but Mom and Dad will send some soon. Their phones probably broke or something."

"I wasn't worried." With that, she left.

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