20 - Sparkle

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The One Where Your Skill is Shown

Shoto ignored his father's demands to return. He dashed through the streets, eyes glancing down at his phone every few seconds. Soon, he was far away from the crowds and in a more quiet and deserted area. Then he heard voices.

"...ten minutes. Isn't he done?"

He slowed his pace and turned the corner to see what was going on.

"Hehehe! (Y/n) is hurt so much, Daddy has to kiss longer... deeper..."

He stopped listening the moment his eyes landed on what they were referring to. There you were, unconscious, some man attacking your face with his. Shoto froze completely, unsure if he should approach them or not. You were knocked out! What if you were being kissed without permission? Shoto felt his blood boil, but he forced himself to walk away.

"She will not get to see me in action because of you," Wook huffed at Toga.

She laughed and pointed a knife at him, in place of a finger that normal people would use. "Yeah. But we sure saw you in action! Who knew you could kiss like that? Talk about steamy! Good thing I got it recorded to show sweet (y/n) later!" Her demeanor from earlier was merely a distant thought.

Truth to be told, the first two knife wounds Toga inflicted on you did leave scars, but they disappeared when Wook fixed your back. Did he think he was so amazing saving you that he could just... get rid of Toga's marks?

"We should get going-" Dabi began to say, but was interrupted when a teen boy with split-colored hair jumped out of nowhere.

He glared at Wook. "Release (y/n)." Sorry, Midoriya, but I have priorities.

"Shoto!" Van squealed and wrapped herself around his legs. "Remember Van? Van told Shoto about (y/n)'s back!"

"What's this UA student doing here?" Twice questioned. "Is he trying to get killed?"

"Why would I do that?" Wook calmly responded to your friend. He scrutinized him slowly, taking note of his handsome features. He recalled the sports festival and how powerful Shoto was then.

"Why were you kissing her?"

"It is part of my quirk."


Shoto quickly realized the situation he was in. One against five, and you did not seem to be waking up any time soon. A fight would end in his loss, so that was out of the question. He did not like the idea of leaving you, either. If he left, they would know that he knew about her deal. Should he just grab you and run? Yes, right now, that was his best option.

He prepared to take her by force until Van's voice rang out.

"Clear it up! Clear things up." She clapped her hands once, and everyone directed their attention down at her. "Shoto knows that (y/n) is with the League. Yes, Shoto knows!"

"She told her friend about this?" Dabi asked distastefully.

"I support her..." Shoto mumbled, keeping his eyes on you. "I was never going to report her... or you all... to the authorities." To please Wook, who didn't seem too fond of the younger boy, he added, "It was a nice coincidence that she chose intern under Profe Gun."

"Why should we trust you?" Toga asked dully.

Shoto panicked. He couldn't prove anything. "Well. Why should I trust you?" He retorted calmly. "There is one of me, and five of you. You could kill me or keep me hostage at any point right now." He kept a straight face. He was not wrong – in fact, he was a bit anxious that they would end him right then and there. He had no plans of turning them in, but he had no way of proving that either.

They gaped at him. Why? Because he had recited almost word-for-word exactly what you said when asked that very question. He, on the other hand, was confused by their stares. "I'll excuse myself now." He ran away.

You awoke to the sound of shooting. Your arms were draped over Wook's shoulders, your legs wrapped around his waist. Another shot. You still could not move, yet your limbs were not slipping at all. But you could speak.

"Wook." Your voice came out more groggy than intended, but it grabbed his attention. He ran from the fiery, deadly scene.

Your body moved by itself and got off of him to stand in front of him. You remembered why that happened in the first place. The crazy one. Toga split your cheek open, and it would have left an unsightly scar if it weren't for Wook coming to your rescue and...

The second you realized you could move again, you hid your face with your hands. No way he kissed you like that in front of all of those people! And you passed out – how embarrassing. He put a hand on your shoulder. "You can make a loaded gun with your quirk, right?"

You nodded. You could not even maintain eye contact, so you opted on focusing your gaze to his lips. You shakily reached for your notepad and pen and wrote loaded gun. Instead of ripping and throwing the paper, you tapped the words, and a gun clattered on the ground.

Wook's mouth took the form of an 'O.' "This is the first time I have seen your quirk in person."

"Cool, huh?" You smirked. For once, you didn't feel vulnerable or weak next to him. Your proud state did not last for very long because it soon dawned on you that you had not used your quirk in days. The gun, even with your neat handwriting and focus, would last a minute at the maximum.

He pointed at one of the running civilians. "Your aim improved more than I thought it would earlier today. See that woman? Shoot her."

"What if I miss?" You were not too confident in your own skills. Missing was a very likely outcome.

"Then you miss."

You raised your gun to eye level. I don't want to kill her. If you missed completely, that would be obvious to Wook. Ever so slightly, you lowered it to aim at her leg. You hoped he would be pleased as long as you hit her somewhere. You kept your eyes wide open and slowly pushed down on the trigger.

The bullet startled you when it shot out. The woman collapsed, but you couldn't see where you had hit her.

"Right in the head! You've surpassed my expectations, (y/n)!" Wook complimented, bent over and squinting his eyes to get a better look at the woman.

You could have sworn that at that moment, your heart sunk to the floor. You killed her. You ended some random person's life. But in that moment, Wook's compliment meant way more to you. "Thanks." The more you succeeded, the prouder he would be.

Your gun disappeared, having reached its time limit, but you created a new one without hesitation. Confidence radiated off of you as you lifted the gun again, this time at one of the small-fry heroes. "Check this out, Wook!"

Despite the large distance between you and him, Shoto was blinded by the sparkle in your one open eye. The sparkle in your smile. The sparkle of the bullets escaping with mind-blowing speeds one by one.

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