10 - She Can Talk

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The One Where You Participate in the Sports Festival, But Now it is Part Three

Near the end of Shoto's match with Midoriya, you realized that you were up next. You jumped up from your seated position and made a mad dash to your waiting room. Actually, I probably should head straight to the arena. You whipped around and began running in the opposite direction. You paused and looked at the hall before you. It is this way, right? You felt your entire body heat up, and you ran in the same direction again.

"Midoriya is out of bounds! This match goes to Todoroki!"

Present Mic announcing the end of the match only panicked you further. The hallway split off into three different directions. You desperately scanned for signs telling you where to go, but it was to no avail. "Ohhh no," you whispered. You walked to the left, your decision formed entirely on a guess. Loud footsteps erupted from in front of you.

You were soon face-to-face with Bakugo, the only person in your class that you genuinely disliked. Well, face-to-face ten feet away. He noticed your glare the second it began to form and took immediate measures, formulating a perfect conversation starter. "YOU GOTTA PROBLEM?"

"Jeez... no..." You backed away slowly. Hideo always told you to keep calm and carefully walk away when dealing with dangerous beasts. You figured now was the time to use it. "I'm just heading to the arena, my match is starting."


"Where is (L/N)!? She's five minutes late!"

Your eyes widened. Darn it. "I never said it was." You continued walking slowly the other way.


You wondered why he was so mad but didn't waste much time thinking about that because he trudged in the other direction.

You turned away as well, deciding to head right, away from Bakugo. You half-walked, half-ran to the other hallway and casted your eyes to the floor. Your mind was too clouded with worry to even notice that there were, in fact, signs telling you exactly how to get where you needed to be. "No no no no," you said out loud. "What- where am I..."


Help has arrived! I will not wander the halls until I rot! You looked up. You had never felt so overjoyed to see your split-haired friend. "Shotooo!" You walked to him. Compared to your previous encounter, he was practically an angel.

He jutted his thumb behind him. "You know they have been waiting for over five minutes? You're extremely late."

"I go that way? Forward?" You looked over his shoulder.

He looked at you warily before asking, "Were you... lost this whole time?"

"Perhaps-" Without realizing, your mouth stopped speaking. What you were aware of, however, was that half of Shoto's shirt was gone. "Your clothes."

"It was an eventful match, but you have to go now!" He ushered you away and bid you good luck before heading away.


Iida was the person you were up against now. Unlike your luck with Kaminari, you knew there was no winning against him. Even if you slowed him down, he would still be incredibly faster than you. You deduced that you should make as many random objects as you could to, at the very least, show what you could do.

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