24 - Ayano

31 3 6

The One Where a Little Girl Tries to Go Home With You

By the command of your partner, Jiro, you brought two pairs of noise-cancelling headphones to life. For once, you were able to do something right while under the pressure of the possibility of failing.

"COME OUUUUUUUUT! YOU CAN'T HIIIIIIIDE FOREVERRRRRRR!" His screeches drowned out everything else.

Present Mic's blaring voice still stung your ears – you could only imagine how much worse your classmate had it. Think! What could stop your teacher's greatest strength? The answer came to you with a gasp.

"I've never used this before," you muttered as you wrote Mute in the air. "Will it even work on someone like him?" That, on top of the fact that Mic was a great distance from you, made it likely that your little spell would fail. Nevertheless, you sent it his way.

You waved your hand for Jiro to follow you and made your way to the escape. Once close enough, you saw Mic's mouth wide open, but no sound came out. It worked! That was just as well. The headphones wouldn't stand a chance that close to him.

Never having seen him in action before, you had no idea how he fought. You remained frozen in place, looking to Jiro for answers or orders. "Can't you paralyze him with your quirk?" she asked.

Now this was embarrassing. You hadn't been practicing with your quirk for quite a while, so it was a wonder that the Mute was successful. There was no telling if a Paralyze would turn out lucky as well. "Umm... no..." you admitted. Better be honest right off of the bat.

"Let's get the handcuffs on him, then."

You cringed. Running sounded like a much better option, but Jiro seemed so much more sure and confident than you. You nodded. "I'll make a fake pair. We can trick him," you offered. You neatly wrote handcuffs in your tiny notebook and blessed it with life. Six.

Jiro smirked. "You're brighter than I thought."

Was that a compliment or an insult? You were too proud to care. Fueled by your teammate's (kind?) words, you sprinted to Mic. Once you were close enough, you lunged for his wrist, but he effortlessly dodged. As expected. It would take effort to lose against someone like you. But it didn't matter if you couldn't manage to capture him — after all, your handcuffs were fake.

You faked a curse under your breath, as if you were actually disappointed that you missed. You averted your eyes to the escape gate in hopes that Mic would believe you were going to make a run for it. Knowing you, that's exactly what he thought. I've never been good at one-on-one... or two-on-one... or anything, for that matter.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jiro making a break for the escape. What's she planning? You leaped, arms and fingers outstretched, reaching for Mic, but you were far too slow. He already caught Jiro.

As if that wasn't enough, the Mute wore off.


Jiro snapped a genuine handcuff around his wrist with a satisfying click. There was a moment of silence, but it was short lived. Your teammate released Mic, and the two of you ran towards each other. She bore a wide grin on her face, and you matched her excitement. "We passed! Great work, (y/n)!"

"Same to you!" You high-fived her.

I won't get kicked out of the League!

You tried to wipe the smile off of your face, but it was impossible to hide the joy you felt from yours and Jiro's smooth success.

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