The Party

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Bellamie pushed up her wide black Ray Bans and strolled into the basement party she decided to crash at her new neighbor's house. Most of the people here she didn't know, but she recognized a girl who was hanging by the wall from her art class. She made a bee line for the girl and leaned back against the wall next to her. Bellamie's denim button down was just barely meeting the waistband of her deep blue cut offs, showing off her caramel colored skin down to her big black engineer boots. She looked the girl over, who was watching her warily. The girl was willowy, in a long black sweater that met her thigh high black tights which tucked into her white heeled Mary Janes. "Can I help you?" The girl asked, brow cocked. Well, her personality wasn't willowy. Bellamie liked that. "You're in my art class. You're the only person I even remotely know here. So I'm gonna hang around here." She extended a long, tattooed arm, holding her hand out. "Bellamie Monroe. Most people call me-"
"Bella!" She turned at her name and saw Sutton, her best friend, come in and amble over, his long brown hair streaming out from under his black beanie and around his shoulder, covered by a black wife beater. "Hey, Slutty Sutty." The girl giggled at the nickname. "I'm Mona. Mona Nevaleth." Sutton cocked a brow. "Sweet last name. Where can I get one?"
"Switzerland. At least that's what my Nana told me."
"Great-grandma." The two nodded. The song changed and it was a song Bellamie loved, "Fully Alive" by Flyleaf. She dragged Sutton and Mona into the small mosh pit that started and laughed heartily as she moshed. Then, suddenly, Bella got shoved a little too hard and a tall guy caught her under her arms. She looked up and saw her savior had the most striking green eyes she'd ever seen. He stood her up and she smiled shyly. "Thanks for catching me. I don't believe we've met. Bellamie." The guy smiled. "Like the hospital?"
"Like my parents are obsessed with British architecture. It's spelled with an 'ie', though. And you are?"
"Raven." Bella blinked. "Like the bird?" She smiled, taking a cue from him. "Like my parents were hardcore goths."
"Lucky. I've got preppy country club parents." Raven chuckled at that, then glanced curiously over Bellamie's shoulder. She followed his eyes and saw a large group of people apparently playing a game in the corner. "You know what they're playing?" Bella asked, turning back to Raven, who shrugged. A devious smile creeped onto Bella's face. "Let's go find out." Raven nodded and they elbowed their through to where the group was, in the corner. She saw Sutton and Mona sitting together, along with a girl with blue hair and trench coat, a guy with a bulky motorcycle jacket (even though it was balmy in the basement), a geeky girl with purple hair and glasses who seemed to be running the game, and a blonde tomboy with her head in the lap of a lanky boy who was playing with her hair. "Mind if we join you?" Bella spoke up, catching the purple haired girl's attention. "I don't know, it's kinda cramped over here..."
"Awe, come on, Mara, lighten up. The more the merrier!" The tomboy cheered, punching the air, causing the skinny boy to laugh. "Alright, I suppose so, since we haven't yet. To make things easier, everyone introduce yourself, so we don't have to point and go, "You!" I'm Mara, as Quatro already said." Mara indicated the tomboy. "That would be me," Quatro confirmed, pulling her beanie on better. The skinny piped up, "I'm Quincy. Most people call me Quin, though." Trench coat Girl spoke next. "I'm Lona. Short for Selona, but Lona's just easier to understand."
"I'm Syn," Motorcycle Jacket waved to the group. "I'm Sutton and this is Mona," Sutton said, poking Mona in her shoulder. "I'm Bellamie, most people call me Bella, and this lug is Raven." Raven smiled when Bella elbowed him. "Okay, now that we're all on a first name basis, we can start. The game is Double Dog and here's how you play. A person who gets picked is dared to do something that has to be outrageous, thus why it's a Double Dog dare. The person can pass their dare to a person of their choice, but if the person does it, they dare the original person something worse. You can pass only once and each person can only do one dare. If you refuse to do a dare for any reason, we get to shave your head." Bella heard Mona gasp and saw her begin to play nervously with her hip-length blue hair. "This is your opportunity to back out, if you don't have the balls to play, but after we start, there's no leaving." They all nodded that they understood. "Okay. Since I'm the one who started the game, I get to dare first." Mara grinned evilly and her eyes lighted on Quatro. "Quatro." The blonde sat up, eyeing the geeky girl warily. "I double dog dare you..."

AN: I totally stole this game from a movie i saw called "Double Dog" but this story's plot runs way different than that movie. You should watch the movie, its pretty good. (灬╹ω╹灬)

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