Sutton's Dare

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"I pass to Sutton," Raven blurted as soon as he heard the dare, who hooted in triumph. "I would be happy to, kind sir." Sutton tipped an imaginary hat to Raven, who sighed in relief. "Cue the music, maestro!" He called, running out into the sand. "Baby Got Back" blared forth from the van's shitty speakers and Sutton burst into a night volleyball game, yelling "I Like BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE! YOU OTHER BROTHERS CANT DENY! WHEN A GIRL WALKS IN WITH AN ITTY BITTY WAIST AND THAT ROUND THING IN YOUR FACE YOU GET SPRUNG!" He illustrated each lyric, bounding around and encouraging the players to sing along. With Sutton's manic energy on full blast, he had both teams singing along and some dancing with him. At the last lyric, everyone chorused it and the players and Sutton struck a pose, which Bellamie got a picture of. How Sutton knew every word, Bella didn't know and she felt oddly proud of her Slutty Sutty for taking the challenge head on. Sutton jogged back to the group hollering their respect in hoots and whistles. "Grazi, grazi," Sutton bowed deeply when he reached them, then wheeled on Raven. "Raven, my good man, you are in for a treat. I am a kind man and I think you shall enjoy your double dog dare very much." Sutton wound an arm around Raven's shoulders and pulled him close. "It's all very simple. All you have to do is..."

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