The 7-11 (last chapter (˚ ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )

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They pulled into the station and they all piled out, Syn and Quatro both bolting for the bathrooms. Mara and Mona went over to the Slushie machine and each made their own mixture of blue raspberry and cherry. Raven stuck with Bella as she went over to where the Monsters™ were and pulled out two, handing one to Raven. "Heads up!" Bella heard Sutton call and Raven turned to catch a bag of Spur Patch Kids Sutton had chucked at him. "Thanks!"
"Well, I'm certainly not sleeping tonight," Bellamie joked as she grabbed a bag of gummy bears from the shelf before going to make her nachos. Raven followed. "I think you mean morning." Bella furrowed her brows and Raven pointed toward the store window to show the sun was coming up. "Been a while since I watched the sun rise," she commented, then ducked as Quatro threw a bag of Doritos past them to Quincy, who caught them. "Let's pay for this and go watch it." Bellamie nodded and paid for her food and they left the rest of the group inside joking around.
They leaned back against the van and shared Bellamie's nachos.
The sky was stained purple with orange at the horizon. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of it. Smiling wicked, she switched to front camera to take a surprise selfie with Raven. She turned to press a kiss to his cheek, but at the same time, he was turning to look at her and they accidentally kissed. Bella gasped in shock and started to pull back, but Raven held her face and returned the kiss, drawing her in.
They parted a few minutes later dazed, to hear applause. They turned, thinking that their friends had seen them, only to be shocked by the sight of Mona in Sutton's arms and the two appearing to swallow each other. Raven snickered. "Something in the air, I guess." Bella chuckled at that. Then they were shocked again to see Quatro moving to kiss Lona, but Syn swooped in and snatched her into his arms. Mara walked over to Quincy and patted his back, him seeming dejected by that. Poor Quin. Forever alone." Raven shrugged. "There's always tomorrow. Or, later today, I guess." Bellamie smiled small and gave Raven the rest of her nachos. Standing, she strode to the door of the 7-Eleven and poked her head in. "Whoever wants a ride better get your shit and come on!" Everyone rushed to pay for their food and pile back into the van.
On the way of taking everyone home, numbers were exchanged and plans were made for the next weekend to hang out. Mara tried, "Maybe we could play-"
"No!" They unisoned. "We'll just hang out," Bellamie said firmly.
"Where's the fun in that?"


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