Lona's Dare

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Bella didn't know who's van they were in and didn't want to, judging by the stench. She was riding shotgun with Lona in her lap as they got on the freeway. "Ready?" Syn asked from the back seat. "You know it!" Lona shouted over the gushing of the wind by the window. "Do it!" Sutton yelled, him being the one who was driving. Their destination: the beach. Lona had to car surf until then and not get caught. Of course, Sutton was helping. Sutton reached cruising speed and Lona crawled out of the open window and onto the roof. Bellamie wasn't far behind, sitting in the opening and reordering the whole thing. Lona had let her long blue hair out of the bun and it, along with her trench coat, was streaming out behind her. Ala Teen Wolf, Syn decided to play 'Surf City USA' while they drove. Luckily for Lona, the beach wasn't far from their town and Lona took full advantage of the time, even doing a hand stand. All the while, Bellamie recorded everything and promised to forward it to them. Sutton took the exit to the beach and Lona gripped the roof like a pro. It seemed this wasn't her first time. "Cold?!" Bella screamed over the wind. "Not a bit! I love the wind in my hair!" Then Lona tossed her head back and laughed.
They pulled into the parking lot and piled out to see Lona in full Lotus position on the roof. "Awe, I was gonna do Downward Facing Dog next."
"By all means, poke that cute little butt in the air." Syn crossed his arms with a smirk. "Har Dee Har Har, perv." Lona shot her hair tie at him. Mara piped up, "You have the power, Great Rider of the Turtle Bus." That got a laugh. "Well, I'm not really an evil person by nature, so I wont do a really bad one."
Syn coughed, "bullshit" under his breath and Lona laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, you're so lucky I can't dare you. Anyways, Raven." Lona rolled onto her stomach, grinning wickedly down at him. "I dare you."

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