Quincy's Dare

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"How in any universe is this not bad?!" Quincy squeaked as he was shoved from the back of the van, wearing a blonde wig and red dress that rivalled Jessica Rabbit's. "Mine. All you have to do is go in, steal the crown, and come back."
"Easy for you to say," Quincy scowled and marched unsteadily into the hotel lobby, in which the Miss Rhode Island pageant was being held. The group followed behind, watching to make sure he didn't flake out. Quincy found his way back stage and wiggled his way through the dressing rooms without being noticed. When he found where the crown was, he slipped in silently. "Why I couldn't have dressed as security, I'll never know," he muttered as he found the runner up crown and stashed it in his dress.
Somehow, he managed his way back through the labyrinth of contestants without getting caught and met the group back in the lobby, giving the sign that he'd gotten it. Cheering, they dragged him out to the van and Bellamie got a picture of him in the crown and dress. After he took off the wig and dress, he kept the crown. (To the victor goes the spoils, or whatever.)
"And now, our lovely cinematographer, I, Quincy Ender, Double. Dog. Dare. You." Bellamie grinned and handed her phone to Raven. "I'm ready for anything."

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