Quatro's Dare

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(Pic is Quatro)

Bella couldn't believe what she was seeing. Mara was one vindictive woman. The group stood and watched as Quatro scaled the wall of Old Lady Montage's house and jimmied the window open. Raven had stuck to Bellamie, watching as Quatro's skate shoes disappeared through the window. "Do you think we should've backed out?" Raven asked. Bella turned to glance at him over her shoulder. "Are you kidding? This is gonna be sooooo much fun." She turned back to see Quatro's hand waving out the window, a huge pair of white panties in her fist. "Catch!" The blonde hissed, tossing the panties down to the group, Sutton catching them. He then proceeded to put them on his head and do a little dance, making the rest of the group crack up, even Lona who was a stoic presence. Quatro climbed back down the wall and landed lightly on her feet. She retrieved her skateboard from Quincy, who applauded her lightly. She retrieved the panties and unbuttoned her jeans, stepped out of her shoes, pulling said panties on over her own and pulling her pants back on. She had to pull the panties up under her boobs so they didn't hang over her waistband. Luckily, her big Ramones shirt covered well enough that you couldn't tell she had them on. Mara bowed playfully, making Quatro who grinned. "You did it. Mad props. Now you have the power, my friend." Quatro crossed her arms and smiled smugly as she scanned the group. Bellamie hoped she'd get picked, so she could get it over with. She wasn't indulged. "Mona." The tiny girl squeaked in surprise and hid behind her blue tresses. "I double dog dare you." Quatro's smile told them all that Mona was definitely not going to like this...

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