Syn's Dare

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Syn stripped off his motorcycle jacket and handed it to Lona, who held it. Would he really do this? The group gathered around the edge of the large pond, where the top of the water was about six feet below where they stood. Syn took a deep breath and stripped, giving everyone a clear view of what his mom gave him before he crossed himself and cannon balled into the water. Even six feet up, the group got splashed. Bellamie luckily was back enough to be spared. Lona bore the brunt of it, her glasses dotted with pond water and god-knows-what in said water. She spat out a mouthful, the group laughing at that. Syn returned to the surface grinning, his brown fringe plastered to his forehead. "Cold?" Mona called down to him, thoroughly enjoying this. "Naw, the water's great. See?" Syn splashed up at Mona, soaking her worse than Lona. That got the other blue haired girl to laugh loudly. Mona was not amused. She grabbed one of his sneakers and threw it at him. Her aim was true and she was rewarded with an indignant "Ow! Hey!" Mona chuckled evilly as Syn dumped the water from his shoe and tossed it back up on the ledge. While he swam the perimeter of the pond as his dare entailed, Bella was taking pictures. She already had Mona vogueing and some of Quatro and Sutton wearing the panties. She was determined to document each dare for later enjoyment. She'd get Raven to document her dare, but first...
Syn got out of the pond, not shy at all as he shook his wet hair, spraying everyone. While he dressed, he grinned evilly. "Lona~" he sing-songed, pulling on his jeans. The girl turned. "I double dog dare you..." Lona groaned. To everyone's delight, the resident grouchy-pants was going to loosen up.

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