Bellamie's Dare

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Looking back, Bellamie was pretty sure this wasn't what she meant by "anything".
She had the mask that Sutton kept for when he tagged on, and the can of black spray paint in her hand. She wore the blonde wig and big black sunglasses as she walked up to the back of the church. She'd made sure none of her tattoos were showing and she was wearing gloves.
Sighing, she uncapped the can and started the quote she'd chosen. "Man is an insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature, not knowing the Nature he destroys is the God he worships."
Bellamie wiped the can once more of prints, ditched it in a can a few buildings over, and walked to the end of the street where the van was waiting. Jumping in, they took off.
"Very meaningful message, if a bit cynical," Quincy commented, taking the crown from his was and placing it on Bellamie's. "That's me in a nutshell. Cynical and meaningful. Did'ja get it?" Raven nodded as he gave her back her phone. "None of my face, right?" He nodded again and Bellamie relaxed. "And now!" Bellamie announced in an announcer's voice, then made drumroll noises, which everyone mimicked. She pointed at Mara and crashed her air cymbal. "Last but not least, my purple haired friend, you are to be Double Dog Dared!" Sutton made a roaring crowd noise and Lona fist pumped, hooting. "Prepare for the dare of yOUR YOUNG LIFE!" Syn joined in on Lona's fist pumping. Mara shrank down in her seat, knowing she wasn't going to like this.

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