Mona's Dare

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Raven had pleaded with Mona to pass the dare to him, but she had too much pride. She and the group made their way to the Main Street of their town and Mona went and stood on the corner, looking back and forth, then crossing to the opposite side of the street. The rest stayed and watched. Mona walked a bit and looked at the group. "Ready!" She called. Quatro hit 'play' and somehow, every PA system on the street started blaring the song 'Im Every Woman'. Mona then started cat-walking down the sidewalk, slowly stripping her sweater over her head, whirling it over her head, then carrying on her shoulder. She was wearing nothing but her shoes, bra, panties, stockings and suspenders. She had a straight face as she got to the corner and started vogueing. Sutton was slack jawed, while everyone else was trying not to die laughing. She waited on the corner, crossed to the group, and struck a pose as the song ended. Quatro shook her head slowly in disbelief as Mona pulled her sweater back on. "You take making a spectacle of yourself to a whole other level." The tiny girl grinned. "I try."
"We better go before we get hauled in," Lona spoke up, ever the serious one. They followed her advise and went back toward the suburbs. All the while, it seemed Mona was still deciding on her dare. As unscrupulous as she had been during her dare, Bella cringed to think of what cute little Mona would inflict on one of them. They reached a clearing behind a row of houses and paused. Mona grinned suddenly, having figured out her dare. "Syn." He turned, a question in his eyes. "I double dog dare you." By the way Syn seemed to slump, Bella could tell he wasn't happy about being picked.

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