Chapter 10 : Here we go again

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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside. I lay there, just staring at the ceiling for a few minutes before getting out of the sheets and doing a good strech. After that i bring myself to the window to take in some fresh air.

A mild, salty breeze from the sea blows in my face. Beyond the castle boundaries, i can see the main street, which is already bustling with activity. In the background is the fjord. It's glistening waters sparkle wonderfully in the morning sun. I take a deep breath and exhale. Now I'm properly awake.

I turn around and take a look at the grandfather clock standing in the corner. It's 8:25. I walk to my bed and sit on it's edge.

Today is the day. Everything I've been working on the past few weeks have been leading up to what's about to take place this evening, the finals.

But damn, I'm already feeling the stage fright for some reason. The feeling of having a thousand people stare at me while i perform isn't really comforting to say the least. It's really been bugging me the past few days. I try my best not to dwell on it too much. Besides, i have someone really special rooting for me.

I head to the shower and get myself prepared to seize this day.

After my morning shower i head downstairs to the dining hall. As expected, Anna and Kristoff are sitting across each other, chatting as they enjoy their breakfast. Kristoff sees me and invites me over.

"Morning (Y/N)!" He gestures me to take a seat.

"Morning you two! What's that?" I ask, pointing at their food.

"Gerda made apple pie! There's a few slices left over there!" Anna exclaims, glancing at a cloche in the middle of the table.

"That's great!"

I then head to the kitchen and come back with a glass of milk in one hand and an empty plate in the other. I take a slice of apple pie and sit down next to Kristoff. As always, i drink all of my milk before eating. Anna notices me doing this.

"Why do you always do that?" She asks.

"Do what?"

"Why do you drink all of your milk before eating?"

"Oh.. i don't know.. it's just how i do it, i guees" i shrug.

"By the way, where's Elsa?" I continue.

Anna glances at Kristoff and the two give each other a look before she turns to me.

"Oh you know, the usual" Anna grins.

"Yeah (Y/N), the usual. Shouldn't you know by now?" Kristoff adds.

"What do you mean? What's the usual?"

"What? You don't know her usual? How could you (Y/N)? I thought you two know each other very well? How could you?" Anna asks in an overly dramatic tone, stretching the last scentence.

"Oh come on!" I groan. "She has no 'usual' place. You know that! She could be anywhere right now.."

Anna and Kristoff burst into laughter.

"We're just messing with you, (Y/N)" she's in her room right now." Kristoff chuckles.

"Probably still sleeping, she had a long night of paperwork and stuff. Once she starts, she just can't let it go." Anna adds.

"Oh.. i.. i see"

I shrug and start digging into my apple pie. Damn, this is so good! Gerda is awesome! If this piano thing doesn't work out, she should definitely teach me how to cook! I could totally be the next royal chef or something!

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