Chapter 22 : Bonus Chapter III

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(First Person POV)

I skip down the hall at a leisurely pace towards the dining hall. It's 8:45 in the morning. Anna and Kristoff should be there by now, enjoying whetever is on the breakfast menu today.

Elsa should be home in two days time. With each passing second i feel more and more excited to welcome her back home with my open arms... and for our upcoming vacation in the mountains, of course.

I arrive the dining hall, and as expected the royal couple are sitting across each other, chatting over their food. Looks like it's pancakes, fruits, and yogurt today!

"Morning, you two!"

"Morning, (Y/N)!" Kristoff answers, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Morning!" Anna waves at me with a big smile, her mouth still half-full.

I take a seat next to the princess, and Gerda promptly walks in from the back entrance that leads to the kitchen. She has a tray in her hands, i assume that's my breakfast.

"Good morning, (Y/N)! Today's breakfast is pancakes and syrup, fruit salad, and sweet yogurt topped with blueberry purèe!"

She sets the tray down in front of me. In addition to my meal, there is also a glass of warm milk on it.

"Ah yes, you remember the milk this time!" I joke. "Thank you so much, Gerda!"

"I'd never forget, especially after Queen Elsa herself ordered us to serve it to you every single morning!" She laughs heartily. "You're very welcome!"

Breakfast goes on as usual. The three of us chat about random things, mostly stuff related to whatever that may be happening in the kingdom that day. At one point, Anna asks me about my plans for the day.

"So, what are you up to?" She asks, resting her elbows on the table and pointing her pinky finger towards me with a cheeky grin.

"Well.." I look out the massive window across the room. "I'm headed to 12th Street High School around midday, and then the bar afterwards for all the usual stuff."

"Oh, what's happening at the school?" She raises a brow.

"Remember Harold from yesterday?" I respond, putting down my cutlery and facing Anna. "Well, he is a fresh graduate of that school, and the school management allows their alumni to drop by and use their facilities whenever the school is open. So I'm hoping the music room is available today, because I'm gonna teach him some ragtime.."

"Woooooowww" Kristoff chimes in. "You're gonna be a teacher dude!"

"Yeah, sort of." I chuckle. "But that guy has serious potential! Yesterday, he told me all about how Clara and him used to play duets on the piano back in school. In fact, they met for the first time during the school's annual music concert!"

"Awwww!" Anna smiles. "Such a lovely couple!"

As Anna and Kristoff continue to chow down on the scrumptious royal breakfast, my focus drifts back to the window across the room behind Kristoff. The busy docks can be seen from here, and beyond that, the great blue sea that goes far beyond the horizon.

I wonder how Elsa is doing?


(Narrative POV)

"Your Majesty?" Edward utters, standing at the side of Elsa's bed in her quarters. "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

A few seconds ago, the rythm of her breathing had changed. She is now taking slightly heavier breaths as opposed to the relaxed, steady pace of breathing she maintained throughout the night.

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