Chapter 16 : My Vision Goes Black

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(First Person POV)

"Wake up (Y/N)... wake up!"

I hear a faint voice coming from the outside world, which slowly brings me out of my state of tranquil unconsciousness.

I squint my eyes and slowly open them half way. My head is spinning and my vision is blurry but i can make out the silhouette of a man above me. It also seems like i am lying down is some random alleyway. It's dark, humid, and it smells like shit here. The man keeps telling me to wake up while shaking me by my shoulders.

After a few moments i finally gather enough willpower and energy to fully open my eyes.

"(Y/N)! Thank heavens you're awake!" The man exclaims as he puts his hand on his chest.

A faint "Yes" is all i can whisper back.

I take a deep breath, which is followed by a sharp pain in my chest. I cringe at this for a moment, then i realise that my chest suddenly feels cool and numb. It's almost as if i can't feel my chest at all.

I raise up my head slightly to get a visual of my upper body, and i notice that my shirt is not on me. I see several stab wounds on my chest covered by some bandages, but i don't feel a damn thing.

"Wh.. what?" I breathe.

"(Y/N), can you hear me?" He says.

"Yes" I respond. "What... happened?"

"(Y/N), we don't have much time. My name is Dan, and i am one of Prince Lucas's guards." The man speaks.

Lucas's guards? What the hell is going on here!?

"Listen (Y/N), Lucas is going after Queen Elsa. He must be stopped." He continues.

"Wha... ELSA!?" I respond.

"Yes (Y/N), Elsa. Chances are, he has probably hypnotised her already. If she is already wearing the ring, then it's even worse." He answers with urgency in his tone. "We must save the queen. Now, get up."

I don't have the slightest idea of what he's taking about, but if it's something that concerns Elsa, i'm getting the hell up.

I sit up and immediately cough out some blood. Weirdly, this doesn't hurt too. I feel my chest with my hand and sure enough, the skin is completely numb.

"I put some painkiller on you" Dan says, taking out a small bottle of clear gel from his pocket and showing it to me. "This will temporarily stop the pain, but not the damage. It will hurt like hell later, and you might even pass out from the pain, but that's not important right now. You must follow me to the castle as evidence of Lucas's threat. Get up."

Clearly he isn't messing around. I have so many questions right now, but that will have to wait. We must save the queen.

I slowly get up with Dan's support. My legs feel like fucking jelly, and i almost stumble and fall. Dan however, catches me and helps me keep standing. I put my arm over his shoulder for support. Together we make our way to the castle as fast as my injured legs can take me.

After about twenty minutes of awkward limping, Dan and I have finally made it to the castle gates. However, the two guards standing at the gates weren't really friendly, probably because i didn't have a shirt on, and Dan had a broken nose. To them, we probably look like a pair of crazy ass ruffians wanting to wreak havoc in the castle.

"Let us in, please. The Queen is in danger!" Dan says to the guards.

The guards have a stern look on their face and one of them begin to question Dan.

The Pianist and The Snow Queen (Elsa x Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें