my night star (shakes x reader)

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(I'm going to try a new thing since I feel like I need to write more and I am going to start with supa strikas and I'm so excited)
Hope you enjoy 😆

It was another regular day with your roommate (r/m/n). Your were talking with (him/her) until your phone. Picking it up revealing your uncle the couch of the famous supa strikas. You answer with the biggest smile on your face you've ever had. " hi uncle, whats up?" You say while your friend gives you a weird look." (Y/n) I need you down at the secret training compound in twenty minutes." You were puzzled by how stern he was, alas you agreed," alright I'm on my way ,see you in twenty minutes uncle." You hung up as your roommate gave you an equally confused look. You shrugged , got up and left for the training compound.

Time skip

As you pulled up by the gate of the compound your uncle was there waiting for you."welcome (y/n), I called you here because I need your assistance with something,I explain everything once we get inside." As puzzled as you were, you just nodded and followed.

After several minutes of silence you two reached the floor you needed to get to. Walking in you see all of the team's players. You quickly became shy while everyone circled you two.

"Hello couch man, who's dis you have wit'ch you?" Dancing Rasta ask Couch first looking to him the you with a warm and sweet smile." Dancing Rasta, team this is my niece (y/n), I want you to make her feel welcomed here." He looked to his team then to you,"(y/n) I need you to help me train the boys for the match against Iron Tank, since they need a fitness trainer and your the only one that came to mind." You were surprised but nodded and agreed to terms with the team. One imperticular person caught your eye.
Yes Shakes

Time skip a week

You've had a great first week with the strikas, especially Shakes. You were both very similar. You both love soccer, you both never really knew your parents well. It was just a good friendship to be or so you thought. You really really liked Shake but know how popular he is it was probably never going to happen. Shakes was head over heels for you. So he devised a plan to show you how much he really liked you. And it was going to be perfect."Dancing Rasta can ask a favour of you and the team, look I want to do something for (y/n) and I need your help."

Time skip a day

You slowing open your eyes to see the time.'crap' you thought. You quickly got up and dressed to get to the secret training compound. As you get there you sigh in relief that the strikas were only doing drills,"hey uncle, I'm so sorry I'm late I was just figuring new warm ups and exercises last night, I've seemed to loose track of the time." You say as you run in the training pitch,Couch turned around to look at you, a reassuring smile plastered on his face." It's really OK (y/n), you work very hard to get this team fit and you should really get a break, relax away all the stress." He spoke calmly at as you look at him confused,'why did he just say that, is one of the guys going to treat me? no they won't do that for you, you just met them'. One of them cleared there throat, causing you to loose train of thought and look at the whole team staring at you, none of them were without a wide smirk plastered on their faces. The thing made you worried more was that shakes wasn't there." Ummm hey guys what'cha staring at?" As they slowly came closer to you, you became more confused as they did.

They kept walking tawords you until you bumped into someone behind you. Turning around, you see shakes, his cheeks a light shade of pink."hey (y/n), we wanted to give you a thank you gift since we had won in our game against Iron Tank, with all the fitness training you've given us this is our way of thanking you." You were to shocked to noticed you were in a different room, that was relatively dark , but in an instant the lights flicked on and the room was exquisite. You gasp out of surprise, Shakes behind you put both of his hands on your shoulders, you toke your right hand and put on top of his left had. As you do so he pushes you into the room with the others following behind us.

It was a dance floor that light up. Shakes came closer to your ear and whispered," I knew you used to dance compations and you told me how much you loved it , so I thought you can show use one of your dances ,or we can jus-" you cut him before he could finish his sentence by turning around quickly and hugged him tightly."I love it Shakes and I would be honoured to dance for you and the team." You say as the whole team came in for a group hug. Strangely for a couple of strongly built soccer players the hug was comfortable. You pulled away from the hug and turned the music up for you to dance. Every move you made was graceful and light, almost like you were floating in the air.

Time skip a few hours

You were outside with your juice in hand just looking at the stars through the middle of the strika stadium. You sigh to yourself unaware of the sudden presences behind you until the person started walking making a noise on the ground. You slowly turn around seeing Shakes walk tawords you. You smile and looked back up at the stars, Shakes following your lead and looked up at the stars with you." Beautiful." Shakes whisper to himself. "Very much so." You whisper back with a smile. He turns to you, surprised by the sudden movement you look at him while he looks down at you since you were relatively shorter then him."I didn't mean the stars." He states. It toke you a bit of time to realise what he meant. You then looked away with a slight blush on your face. Shakes then put his hand on your cheek to look at him. Leaning in he kissed you with passion and love. You then slide your hands around his neck and he move his arms on your waist bringing you closer to him. You both parted for air ,looking deep into each others eyes. He puts his forehead on yours and you both close your eyes."I've been drink to do that for two weeks now, will you make me the happiest man and bey girlfriend." He whispered. You being the girl you were couldn't resist the gergeous man." Yes shakes yes." You say excitedly with out noticing the guys walk out. Cheering on Shakes. You and Shakes imidiataly blushed like crazy.

(Yay first on done sorry for any spelling errors but I don't care about them)

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