Insane Pain (Duma x reader)

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(Y/n) P.O.V

You've known Duma since you were children. And when you found out that the government toke him to 'heal' him. You were both happy and mad.

Before he had black hair, messed up looking face and some teeth punched out his mouth. Yes his life was in shambles but, you loved non the less. He would never let anyone in (but you), never let them see him when he cries (but you) and he was cold towards everyone (but you).

He made you feel special even if that means stealing jewellery. You always had a special place in his heart. He has been in the building for two months. The most you hoped for was that he still loved you for who you are.

That he still has a twinkle in his eyes when he sees you. That he will make jokes with you and tell you your beautiful. You wanted nothing more, but the passion he has for soccer and you. Well as they say one can only hope.

Everything his been in there you never left his side. But you lost sleep, like a lot of sleep. Like zombie look loss of sleep. Today of all days though he gets to come out. Which means few weeks with you. You were so excited to see your best friend (and long time crush 😰😎) again.

So you get into your car, tell the guy in charge of him that you'll be the one taking him and wait. You sit there for awhile, not noticing Duma was out. So you occasionlly check out the window to see if his out yet. Then you see a guy with dark caramel skin and blonde hair.

'He sorta looks like Duma.' You think to yourself. But Duma never looked like that before. You where parked quiet far away from the door so you couldn't really see his face. But as he moves closer to your car you see his wickedly handsome smile. And now that was fimiliar to you.

Rolling down your window as he stops by your door. He leans down looking at you and you at him." Long time no see doll, miss me?" He say, his voice sounding like honey. You loved the sound of his voice." Well I didn't feel like waiting." You say relaxing more into your seat.

He chuckles, leaning in more resting his arms on the window sill. His laugh was even better." Aw com'on doll, don't give me that. You would wait as long as I came to you." He say, you roll your eyes playfully." Agh please." You begin now siting up straight point a finger at him( not the middle finger guys wow.😰😉)." You couldn't handle this." You say refuring to your car (Which is stunning btw)

He now rolls his eyes." Agh please. Why do you think I stay so long?" He asks. You put your hand over your heart, mocking that you are offended." 'Gasp' how dare you." You start sounding like the queen of England. You the put your hands on the steering wheel, facing turning serious.

"Get in the car." You say pointing to the back seat. He puts his hands up in defeat as he goes around the car, getting into the passenger seat. You look at him raising an eyebrow. He looks back at you." What?" He asks shrugging his shoulders. You again roll your eyes driving.

As you drive there is a painful silence between you two." So how've you been?" He asks breaking the slence in the car." I've been well, just missing you that's all." You sat keeping your eyes on the road." And you?" You ask now turning to look at him as he meets your gaze.

"I've been fine just lots of test and training. It's hard but I'll go through with it." He says looking like his in pain. You look back to the road has he did the same. Another long silence between you two. It didn't really bother you that much.

As you arrive at your destination you climb out the car as he did." Uh a bar?" He asks somewhat confused. You laugh." It's were I work. Come in I'll show you." You say walking in. He breaths in deep then follows you inside.

The bar didn't look like much on the out side but on the inside was magical you'd say. The whole place was dark with lumo lights of pink ,green ,blue, you call it. And the people there are all jackasses but you loved them no the less.

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