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Hey guys listen up.

I'm going to do a composition and I would like you to make me pice of fanart. You can draw any of the supa strikas characters.

You don't have to do it, but please try. I would love to see your art. Weather or not if your think it's good or not.

You guys will get prizes.( not 3D prizes though 😏😝)

Person in third place:
Three chapters in this book or an other one, just for you. Just need your name or character name, hair colour, eye colour , skin colour and a bit of personality.

Second place:
As many of the book as you want for you. Name, hair colour, skin colour ect.

First place:
A whole book just for you, just choose the genre, name, what ever you want. But please tell me if you want a reader or oc in the book. It could be a crossover

What ever you want!

So please, I would love to see your art.

And I'll do more compitions like this.

Love you guys
Oh and if you want to Base your picture on a one shot in this book please do.

~❤ Aloepex

supa strikas one shots (Request Open)Where stories live. Discover now