The Decision

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Narrator POV:

Sonic was in the castle getting measurements for his outfit that would be worn for his coronation. Sonic looked out the large window beside him and onto the Isle of the Lost. Then suddenly two smiling faces entered the room to see their son.

Sonic POV:

I saw my parents enter the room and looked at me with bright faces." How can he be turning into a king when he is still so young" said Aleena. " Mom i'm 18, I think I'm old enough" I answered. Then my dad suddenly asked me a question I had been thinking about for a while." So what is the first step you want to take before becoming a true king" asked Jules. I responded " I have been thinking for a long time now that maybe my first order should be something that will make a huge step for Auradon.
   My parents looked at me with hopeful expressions thinking they would love my idea." I have decided that I want to give the Isle of the lost a chance to prove themselves" I began." And what I mean by that is, we should allow some of the villain kids to attend Auradon Prep". My mother looked at me with a surprised at worried expression while my father gave me a look of concern and shock." Sonic you know why they are kept in that island in the first" Jules responded.

-"Yes dad I know but the villain kids never even got a chance they have been born in that island without a chance to show that they are good people"

-" Sonic I know that you are becoming a king but as a king you must not bring harm to Auradon"

-" Yes dad I know the risks bu-"

"Jules dear, I think you should trust Sonic he is your son after all and plus you know he would never want to hurt Auradon and it's people" Interrupted Aleena." I guess your right" admitted Jules.

Narrator POV:

Jules took a deep breath before saying his next words.

"Sonic I will allow you to give the Isle of the lost a chance"

"Really tha-"

"On one condition" added Jules
"I will only allow you to pick 4 villain kids off the Isle and if they prove themselves worthy of our trust then I might consider bringing more into our land of Auradon" Explained Jules "Make the right choice and also state the names of their parents"

Sonic thought for a bit and came up with the perfect 4 chosen ones.
  "The 4 that I have chosen are the kids of..."
"Sora the Hedgehog"
"Mephiles the Dark"
"Anda the Wolf"
"and ...Rosetta Rose" Sonic hesitated

"ROSETTA ROSE are you out of your mind Sonic" exclaimed Jules
" Dad please" Sonic pleaded
Jules sighed once more and looked up at Aleena as if to ask her whether to allow it. And Aleena gave him a small smile and nod that once more told him to trust their son's decisions. "Sonic I hope you are doing the right thing, but I will get a messenger to send out the order to Isle" Jules gave in.

Sonic gave them a respectful bow and a warm smile as his parent walked out the room.
Sonic whispered to himself " I hope I am doing the right thing too"

That is it for the first chapter of the story and as I said this will not go exactly as the actual movie went. But I am still drawing ideas straight from the movie. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of this story.

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