Hatching the Plan part 1

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Amy POV:

Me and Galaxy sat down at the table and took out our supplies. I had already told Galaxy to bring her mother's gadget since I saw when she was messing around with it and it seemed useful. Silver and Shadow both sat down at the table and we began planning.
"We will be using the tools given to us by our parents to break in and out of wherever that staff is located" I stated
"Galaxy use that gadget to locate the staff" I said
"On it" galaxy answered as she took out her tool while also pressing a button an Ethernet she began to talk
"Tell me where Nimue's magic staff is located" commanded Galaxy as the screen began to show a staff that was located in some sort of museum.
"Now all we need to do is find the location,break in, take care of the security guards, grab the staff, and escape" I said with mischievous smirk
We all got up and used a map thing that was in Galaxy's device to locate the museum
15 minutes later......
We had all officially found the museum and went inside.
But we did not go straight for the staff instead we headed to a room where the security guard was at.
We all peaked through the window and saw the guard sitting at a desk looking at each monitor but behind him seemed to be a very familiar object.
"Hey Amy isn't that your mother's elemental orb" asked Silver
The elemental orb was used by Amy's mother when she attacked Auradon it had powers of elements. Such as the basic 4 water, earth, fire, and air.
"I believe it is" I said shocked at the fact that such a destructive weapon was here in a museum
"Well don't you think you could use it to make the guard pass out or go to sleep" said Shadow stating the obvious
My whole team knew that only people that were in my family could use its power, which included me.
"Noooo~" I said sarcastically as I began to think of a spell that could help me out with distracting the guard
I soon thought of one but I had to stick my hand into the room in order for it to work
Galaxy knew what I was planning since ha helped open the door without making a sound
I stuck my hand in and whispered quietly but loud enough " frostbite knockout"
The orb glowed an icy blue color before a ray of baby blue light dispersed through the room
Once it hit the guard he was fast asleep but not for long.
We all rapidly entered the room and began looking for the staff
But Silver got distracted when he saw a stack of cookies (😑)

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