First Day of School

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This chapter will introduce Cream. The daughter of the best baker in Auradon and also the daughter of Ms.Vanilla a teacher in Auradon prep. Cream assists her mom by handing out paperwork and files to her. But Cream sometimes spends time with her father at the bakery helping make deserts.
Skip to classes...

Galaxy POV:

We were all in our 2rd class which was the last one before P.E and we were completely bored. I sat in the same table with Amy while Shadow and Silver shared a table.
"Ok class if someone hands you a crying baby" began Ms.Vanilla
"A)Place a curse on it"
"B)Lock it away in a tower"
"C)Give it a bottle"
"Or D) Kill it" finished Ms. Vanilla
I raised my hand
"Yes Galaxy" said Ms. Vanilla seeing my hand raised
"What was the second one" I asked
Ms.Vanilla seemed to be a bit worried about what I was capable of but who wouldn't
I looked at Amy who was sitting next to me and saw her sketching out a picture of the staff we saw last night
"Ah, Amy do you know the answer to the question" asked Ms.Vanilla
Amy looked up at Ms.Vanilla and answered
"C) Give it a bottle"
"Damn you are on fire Amy" said Silver surprised at the fact that Amy knew the answer
"It really easy, just pick the one that doesn't seem like much fun" said Amy giving an emotionless look
"Ohh~" We all said in Unison except for Amy and Ms.Vanilla
The teacher gave off a long sigh as a bunny entered the room
But the bunny seemed to be a bit nervous as she entered the room but she also seemed a bit like a nerd
"Oh hello dear" said Ms.Vanilla
"H-hi"said the bunny stuttering
"Guys this is Cream my daughter" said Ms.Vanilla
"Hello welcome to Auradon prep" said Cream as she began getting a bit more comfortable with us
We all stayed silent as Cream continued
"Um these are the papers for early dismissal on the prince's coronation day"
Ms.Vanilla signed the papers as Cream looked back at us
Amy seemed to get an idea since she smiled warmly at Cream
Cream smiled back as her mother handed her the papers back and she walked out the room
"You have to earn people's trust" Amy whispered to me
I nodded as Ms.Vanilla continued her class
"You find a bottle of poison"
"Do you A) place it in the king's wine"
I immediately raised my hand after the first option(😏)
"B) place it in someone's food"
"Or C) turn it in to the correct authorities" finished Ms.Vanilla
Both Shadow and Silver raised their hands
"Shadow" said Ms.Vanilla picking Shadow
" C) turn it in to the correct authorities" answered Shadow taking Amy's advice
"Hey I was going to say that" whined Silver
"Well I said it first" said Shadow as he shoved Silver off his seat
Silver got back up and began shoving at Shadow as they both began to fight each other
Amy and I were completely used to this but Ms.Vanilla seemed to not like what they were up to
"BOYS I encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field" said Mary.Vanilla grabbing their attention as the bell rang and we grabbed our stuff
20 minutes later......
Shadow POV:

Me and Silver were placed in the Tourney field by Ms.Vanilla
I was looking forward to the game but Silver just seemed lost
When the game began I ran at full speed pushing people over and grabbing the ball
I ran into the Kill zone and dodged all the discs that were being thrown at me until I made it past the kill zone
"Shadow don't do it it's me Silver" pleaded Silver as I headed forward him
I just jumped over Silver since I didn't feel like hurting him
I shoved the last person and scored a point
A group of Cheerleaders on the side began cheering louder as I mad the point
I was proud of myself until the coach yelled out to me "YOU GET OVER HERE"
I walked up to the coach and he asked me what I was doing in the field
At first I thought I was in trouble but then he said
"That was pure talent Shadow I hope to see you again tomorrow"
I smirked as I looked at Silver who seemed to give me an odd face
The bell soon rang and we all got changed out of our tourney uniforms so we could head to class.

Sonic POV:

I was walking with Cathy and Scourge through the halls
I would be with my friends but they seemed to want to hang out with me
And I didn't want to bother them by bringing these two over to them
We stopped walking as Cathy stated "Ugh there's that pink troublemaker hedgehog"
I looked over and saw Amy placing books in her locker
She seemed peaceful and calm which most likely made me stare a bit longer at her
But I looked away just so it didn't become weird
"I honestly don't trust them" said Scourge
"They may not be as bad as you think and who knows they might be just like us" I said defensively
"Sonikku I know that you were the one that chose to bring them here but they are NOTHING like us" said Cathy
I thought about it a bit longer and came up with an idea
"Well we'll just have to see, I will see you two in class" I said as I walked away
I looked back and saw that both of them were gone which gave me a chance
"Hey" I said
Amy seemed surprised that I was talking to her
"Um Hi" she said
"So how is your first day of school so far" I asked starting a conversation
"It was pretty interesting so far"
I looked at her locker and saw she had spray painted a Rose with thorns wrapping around it
It seemed like it was her mother's logo or something
"Nice painting you got there" I said complimenting her art
She seemed a bit distracted as Cream walked by
"Oh thanks" she said giving me a smirk as she walked away
For some reason that smirk she gave me made me feel a bit odd but I cant figure out why
I leaned on her locker as I saw her walk away
"You are an interesting girl" I whispered making sure no one heard me

Amy POV:

It was a bit odd having the prince talk to me but I had to leave
I followed Cream into the bathroom
She turned around to see me which made her a bit startled
"Hello Cream, right" I said
"Uh yeah" she said
She seemed to want leave but I stopped her by saying
"Sorry if I scare you but I was just wondering if maybe we could be friends" I said
I didn't really need to be friends with her but I needed someone who could get me into other areas of the school campus so I could learn how to get the kings crown and Nimue's Staff
She gave me look of empathy and shock
"But I get it if you don't want to, I mean look at me I don't fit in this place" I said trying to convince her
"No you do fit in, you are actually really pretty" said Cream
It felt weird getting a compliment but this just gave me an idea
"Thank you and if you would like I could show you how much I truly want to be your friend by giving you a new look" I said
"You can do that" she asked me
I pulled out my spell book and said "of course I can"
I began to preform the spell which startled cream as my eyes began to glow
Once I was done she had a complete new look which made her look different
She had 2 ribbons on her ears which replaced a orange bow she had on one ear
She also had a new outfit which replaced the brown cardigan she had on
"Oh wow" she said as she looked at herself in the mirror
"Thank you so much and I would love to be your friend" she said
"Yay" I said giving a look of accomplishment
The bell rang which meant we only had one more class before lunch
"I will see you around Amy" she said with surprisingly cute excited face as she walked away
Galaxy the came inside the bathroom at said" there you are Amy let's go to class"
"Alright then let's go" I said as we walked forward our next class

I finally added a bit of Sonamy into the story😁

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