Attempted Murder?

429 11 43

Narrator POV:

The 4 stared at the limo that was colored in a obsidian black color with gold on the edges and handles of the doors. Silver dashed for the door once it opened and tossed his bags on the side of the car wheel. He then dived into the car which made the driver surprised and confused since he thought that the villain kids would be emotionless and rude. Galaxy walked toward the car dropping off her bags in the same spot as Silver did and normally got in the car. The driver put in the 2 backpacks and suitcases in the trunk of the limo and waited for Shadow and Amy to drop off their bags and get in the car so they could be on their way. Shadow walked toward the car with Amy following behind him. Shadow handed his bags to the driver and got in the limo. Amy waited for the driver to place Shadow's bags inside until she could hand him her luggage. Once she handed the bags to the driver she gave an oddly polite "thank you" as she turned around to look at the tower where she saw her mother looking down onto Amy. Rosetta gave her small smirk and a slight wave saying goodbye. Amy turned back around and got in the limo where she was seated with her team.

Amy POV:

We were all officially on our way to Auradon but I was not looking forward to seeing the castle and it's people. Silver and Shadow sat next to each other with a tray with some odd looking round rainbow things and a platter filled with some brown looking circles with other brown dots in them. I sat next to Galaxy since she was the most normal person in the car. The driver made it into the car and placed the key into the car so we would be on our way. But that was until Galaxy picked one of the round brown things and asked the driver a question.
" Um excuse me what are these round brown things" asked Galaxy
The driver turned around and said "Those are cookies, baked freshly from Auradon's best bakery. You can eat them"
Me and Galaxy both had one in our hands and took a small bite out of them.
I hate to admit it but these are actually really good, I also think Galaxy liked them too since she got 2 more
"Sir what are these colorful things next to us" asked silver
The driver answered "those are some of finest candies made in one of the best factories in Auradon"
Silver and Shadow both put some sort of stick with a sort of ball attached to it in their mouth
I saw that both their eyes seemed to light up as they grabbed more to put in their mouth
"Idiots" mumbles Galaxy and I as they seemed to be getting hyper
I got and took the odd sweet out of Silver's mouth earning an annoyed "HEY!" from Silver
"It could be poisoned" whispered Galaxy to the boys
Both of the immediately spitted out the sweets that were filling their mouths
The car started moving and we sat back and waited until we saw we were getting closer and closer to the edge of the isle
Shadow then blurted out "THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US"
Silver and I both turned to one of the windows and saw that the car wasn't stopping as we got closer to the edge of the island
"All of you CALM DOWN" exclaimed Galaxy
"We are not dying Becca the driver would DIE along with us" explained Galaxy
"You idiot you scared me for no reason" I scolded Shadow
"Jeez sorry mom"(—_—) said Shadow with an annoyed look on his face and a sarcastic tone as we all sat back down

Galaxy POV:

We all settled down and saw the driver push some sort of button that opened the barrier just enough for the car to go through. Suddenly a shining gold bridge appeared under the car which leaded the car onto Auradon.
"Woah" Said the 4 of us in unison and amazement
We all made it to the other side of the bridge and onto the land of Auradon. We drove for a while more until we reached our destination. I didn't enjoy all the colors I saw but I did enjoy the view out the car window. Just then the car stopped and we all turned to see that we had arrived just where there was a crowd that seemed to be waiting for our arrival.

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